Looks like this forum is really growing!!


Jul 18, 2002
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Call me crazy, but I think coming over to ultimate metal was a GREAT idea for this band!

I mean, teh recording news thread has had over 8,300 views! I know some of that is repetition of views, but still.

So guys in the band... does this apparant new amount of interest/viewership of your band fuel you to make new and more records??

Do you guys feel your popularity is growing??
PeruvianTide said:
Call me crazy, but I think coming over to ultimate metal was a GREAT idea for this band!

Being part of the UM forums sure has advantages but also some inconveniences. The server is down quite often (as it's under construction) This morning I tried to get here several times without succes. Finally the board can be reached again. So I take my chances to read and post.