Lopez's Drumming...


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
I can't comment on how "good" he is as I'm not a drummer and know next to nothing about drums...but he's got some damn creative drumming at least in my opinion. Especially on Deliverance(BTPISIO especially) He just mixes it up so much the guitars could be playing the same thing for minutes on end and when he differentiates the beat...wow. I think that's what makes the length of many Opeth songs possible is the variety he brings to the sound.

Most drummers play something simple like Bam Bam Bam Bam, Boom Boom Boom Boom, Bam Bam....and so on(oversimplified, yes)

Lopez is all Bam Boom Boom Tink Tink Tink Boom Boom Bam Tink Tink Twang Boom Boom Whakooomba.

Yes. It's late and I'm tired :ill:
Elek said:
I can't comment on how "good" he is as I'm not a drummer and know next to nothing about drums...but he's got some damn creative drumming at least in my opinion. Especially on Deliverance(BTPISIO especially) He just mixes it up so much the guitars could be playing the same thing for minutes on end and when he differentiates the beat...wow. I think that's what makes the length of many Opeth songs possible is the variety he brings to the sound.

Most drummers play something simple like Bam Bam Bam Bam, Boom Boom Boom Boom, Bam Bam....and so on(oversimplified, yes)

Lopez is all Bam Boom Boom Tink Tink Tink Boom Boom Bam Tink Tink Twang Boom Boom Whakooomba.

Yes. It's late and I'm tired :ill:

I agree, and that was post was sweet. :headbang: not in the "Awwww, how cute!" kind of sweet, but in the "How was that Opeth show? Sweeeeet!" kind of way.......... Jesus Mikael Åkerfeldt Christ I'm great at over explaining myself :Smug:

Out :devil:
Elek said:
I can't comment on how "good" he is as I'm not a drummer and know next to nothing about drums...but he's got some damn creative drumming at least in my opinion. Especially on Deliverance(BTPISIO especially) He just mixes it up so much the guitars could be playing the same thing for minutes on end and when he differentiates the beat...wow. I think that's what makes the length of many Opeth songs possible is the variety he brings to the sound.

Most drummers play something simple like Bam Bam Bam Bam, Boom Boom Boom Boom, Bam Bam....and so on(oversimplified, yes)

Lopez is all Bam Boom Boom Tink Tink Tink Boom Boom Bam Tink Tink Twang Boom Boom Whakooomba.

Yes. It's late and I'm tired :ill:

That's a cool assessment from a non-drummer. I agree with the lengthy songs comment, IMO that's how a most progressive metal works. Not just variety on the drums, but all instruments, time changes...etc... But Lopez does a fantastic job of keeping the listener on their feet, wondering where the next kick ass fill and transition will come in.

I also love the drum work in BTPISIO, the whole song actually...man I caught myself going about 65 in a 40 listening to that... :headbang: :worship:

There's a good Lopez thread that just went cold awhile ago...some good comparisons about other prog style drummers.

Lord_AgathoN said:
Another fanboyish thread? ;P

it appears to be a compliment to lopez's awesome drumming.

...your right man, regardless of if the music is repetitive at one time, lopez is always switching it up. he doesn't feel like he has to play 2857028 bpm with every hand 100% of the time. he plays what is right for the music...not his ego, and in doing so, he is even better.
I just think it's cool how Opeth has stayed away from blast beats their whole career, it's pretty unique, but imagine what they would sound like if they used blast beats on some of their songs, I don't necessarily think it would be out of place.
i think a blastbeat would definetely be out of place in any of opeth's songs...because it would ruin the feel of the song...sure it might sound fine...but the idea (exluding all musical and technical terms) might be effected.
deliverance said:
if i see one more fucking thread about lopez's drumming, i'm going to personally castrate the thread starter. g'day.

the search button does wonders.

Well I read many of the threads here and most of the Lopez threads seem to be about his skill or "how do i play...."

Sorry if I've offended you or the search button in any way.
for some reason I don't really like blast beats at all. That's why Opeth is almost the only death metal band that I listen to. Blast beats just make the song sound boring and overused imo. I mean it takes a lot of skill and endurance to do that and I respect drummers for that, but it just doesn't feel good to me.
To give them some credit, blastbeats can be used somewhat tastefully. Just consult Emperor's 'Prometheus'. One of the most brutal, chaotic yet strangely melodic CDs I've ever heard, and Trym being Trym blasts through most of it. Yet, it fits the heavy/melodic contrast that the album creates.
Hejira_Omeed said:
the end of deliverance is fucking bad ass.
Amen...some of the best drumming I ever heard. Watching him on the DVD is inspiring. Him and Mike Mangini (who I've recently discovered because I'm friends with his sister) are just awesome.
whatever works, regardless of if its a blastbeat, or a fucking french cut greenbean can being hammered on in 32nd notes...with a hammer....as long as it feels right with the music and makes it work...its perfect.
drowssap said:
Amen...some of the best drumming I ever heard. Watching him on the DVD is inspiring. Him and Mike Mangini (who I've recently discovered because I'm friends with his sister) are just awesome.

this part is so damn overrated...i mean it sounds nice but it's just some fresh idea....
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
this part is so damn overrated...i mean it sounds nice but it's just some fresh idea....
I disagree. You don't have to play fast or do some kind of stunt to sound great. You know what sounds awesome to me and it's simple? Led Zeppelin's Kashmir. That song makes you want to learn drums. That's what I meant by inspiring. It makes me want to go in my cellar at 3 in the morning and play.
He's one of the very few drummers that are polyrythmic. The drummer in Meshuggah is, Hellhammer, and Frost, all can do the polyrythmics. Those are just a few names, there are others.

Lopez is a tricky drummer, since he's a bit more subtle. He's not overrated in the least, he just confuses alot of listeners with his particular style
Blast beats fucking suck man there talentless, it takes much more skill to always have new intersting beats and fills that keep the listeners well... listening and i think lopez does a damn fine job of this.
Mike(my drummer) told me blast beats take no talent. Since I'm not a drummer... I see no reason not to believe him.