Lord Belial Is No More


Greekus Urungus
Mar 15, 2006
The Low Low, IL
LORD BELIAL is no more.

1992 - 2009

January 2009; Lord Belial has quit all their activities. All future gigs are cancelled.
We would like to thank all fans, bands we have played with, labels, organizers and everyone involved in the band for the past 17 years!

The main reason for this is the hearing problem (tinnitus) that has grown into a quite big problem for Micke the last years…
The other members in the band were not forced to put an end to the band but instead they mutually agreed that finding another drummer was not a solution for the future.
Anyhow, if Micke’s hearing will be at least a little bit recovered after a break from music and especially live appearances for some time, we really hope that we can continue where we ended.

We will not comment or discuss this in emails etc.
/Lord Belial
And they just had a new album, this is bad news, I agree they're best stuff was the older black metal oriented stuff.
This is a really sad news. I was reading the news a while ago and i was really shocked. One of my favorite bands calls quits is a hard thing to digest. I hope Micke gets better soon.

RIP Lord Belial
Another tinnitus sufferer here.

Wtf, what's so hard about just wearing earplugs and getting on with it?

I'm sure that probably worked for x amount of years, but playing regular shows as well as rehearsing regularly in a band is hard on the ears whether you wear earplugs or not. And if there is already significant damage, simply wearing earplugs may not be sufficient protection.
I really hope I don't damage my hearing. I've got a bad habit of listening to music on my headphones really loud, even at full volume...it's like you just get caught up in the music, and the volume keeps increasing...I know this isn't nearly as bad as concerts/shows but still...
I really hope I don't damage my hearing. I've got a bad habit of listening to music on my headphones really loud, even at full volume...it's like you just get caught up in the music, and the volume keeps increasing...I know this isn't nearly as bad as concerts/shows but still...

It's a bad idea there son. When you listen to loud music you're hearing gradually diminishes and as that happens you turn up the music louder which further more dimished the hearing you already have left. It's a deadly cyle till it comes to the point you pop your ear drums and you'll NEVER be able to listen to your beautiful melodies ever again.

Have a nice day, just heed my warning before the b0000tality of it all ruptures your inner lobes causing massive blood loose which leaves to a deficient fragile state of disillusional chaos and demented wanderings in back alleys.

chicken wings.

edit - fuck lord beali
I never understood the stupidity of alot of metal fans. Alot of people just wont wear earplugs and they cant explain why. The sound quality isnt reduced if one gets a good pair of ear plugs. Its just reduces the risks.

I saw Slayer live in 1998 (my first concert) and then Metallica in 1999 I believe. I didnt wear earplugs to any of those two I dont believe but I soon realized it was stupid. Afte the shows when the ears were ringing.

I started wearing ear plugs and have done it on every show since then. I never want to risk anything. I love music and damaging my hearing would make me unable to listen to it the way I'd like to.

I really hope I don't damage my hearing. I've got a bad habit of listening to music on my headphones really loud, even at full volume...it's like you just get caught up in the music, and the volume keeps increasing...I know this isn't nearly as bad as concerts/shows but still...

It might be WORSE than alot of concerts actually since the headphones are right there in your ear and might not always be made for being used at full volume either.
So the drummer blew his ears out? That seems really silly to me. When playing live the guitars are pointed away from the drums, and in practice it seems very obvious that proper protection should be obtained. I would just play with less intensity and have my mics turned up. And when practicing personally I'd have as much ear protection as possible.