losing my mind?

You're right, it'S gone.
But I think if you ask the moderator "winter-frost" he'll bring it back.
But I can maybe help you.

w (like v(ast) )
a (like A(lmighty) I liked that example. ;)
ö (like ea(rn)

I think that was it.
Great lesson !
In fact Swanö is a very rare name and we´re the only family/relatives in Sweden with that name. What does it mean ?
Swan-Island ( Ö is a letter but also the word for Island )
My name Dag is the Swedish word for Day. Dan, Erik and Tom is just names but Björn is the Swedish word for Bear ( heavy guy )
Now i´m off for hot soloing
Hey guys,

I am trying to locate the thread but it seems to be gone. It looks like the creator of the thread deleted it themselves for some reason.
Originally posted by Unicorn
You're right, it'S gone.
But I think if you ask the moderator "winter-frost" he'll bring it back.
But I can maybe help you.

w (like v(ast) )
a (like A(lmighty) I liked that example. ;)
ö (like ea(rn)

I think that was it.

I'm with korruption who thought it was Swan-o. Hehe. I still don't quite get the "o" like the "ea" in earn?? So...svan-ea? Fuck, make a wav file and upload it to the board. :lol: I guess I got it. It's like the Matrix....all your life you think something is one way and then......hehehe. I just can't "hear" it.
I'll second B's "Sway-no" :lol:

Think I'll stick with it too (sorry Dan & Dag! :D). I just cannot get my mouth around the proper way (I also need to hear it....), and hey, I don't know anyone who would know the difference anyway..... :err:
Originally posted by Gurgelguff
Great lesson !
In fact Swanö is a very rare name and we´re the only family/relatives in Sweden with that name. What does it mean ?
Swan-Island ( Ö is a letter but also the word for Island )
My name Dag is the Swedish word for Day. Dan, Erik and Tom is just names but Björn is the Swedish word for Bear ( heavy guy )
Now i´m off for hot soloing

I always like to know the meaning of names, so this is very interesting, thank you.
I sometimes pronouce "Swanö" completly wrong. It comes out like "Skrumf" or "bubben". Just kidding. For those of you who have problems with the letter ö: It sounds (pronouces) like the vocal in "bird".

Just a little correction to Gurgelguffs thread about the meaning of the names. Erik is an old nordic name that means "Almighty King". That's no joke.
For me as a German I pronounced it correctly, but I said a lot of time "Dan" for some strange reason. Maybe I only knew it as an american Name. But it must me Dan (with the "a" also pronounced like the "a" from (A)lmighty.
The idea with the wav.-file is pretty good. :)
I was always under the impression that the European equivalent of the American "Dan" was "Danne" -- then again, I am a complete hack of the English language and cultures in general, so who knows. I think I want to change my name to Mathias. It just sounds better than Matt -- what you wipe your shoes on.
I asked a Swedish exchange student here a long time ago how to pronounce it.. I always said "swan oh" before that.. but he said, as is described earlier, SVANEH (he said it very powerfully.. heavy emphasis on the A).. The "EH" sounded like the "U" in burn.
Originally posted by Unicorn
For me as a German I pronounced it correctly, but I said a lot of time "Dan" for some strange reason. Maybe I only knew it as an american Name. But it must me Dan (with the "a" also pronounced like the "a" from (A)lmighty.
The idea with the wav.-file is pretty good. :)

Yeah, Dan was pointing out at ProgPower that all the Americans pronounce Dan wrong. heh

Thing is, I wouldn't have a problem pronouncing it 'Don', except that means his brother's name would be pronounced 'Dog', and I will avoid doing that. I mean, Simen Hestnaes, I will go to my grave mispronouncing his name 'Simon' because I just can't bring myself to call another human being 'Semen.'