Lost & Found!


Jul 25, 2002
North Carolina
Hey everyone -- I lost my camera on Friday night :( So sad ...
It is a silver, Fuji digital camera -- I know that describes like 9 bazillion cameras but please please please if anyone found it or knows someone who did -- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE -- let me know!!
My e-mail is Tessings@hotmail.com!
Thanks so much -- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!

I managed to lose a copy of Rage's Unity and a copy of Timo Kotipelto's Waiting for the Dawn. It was nice to own them for at least 30 minutes or so. I didn't even get drunk, so go figure. Oh well. Had a great time at the show though. If anyone manged to find them, great. Send me a note to Glenn@symphonyx.com and I'll happily reimburse for shipping or whatever.
what were those two girls, the Asian girls with the yellow and green shirts, looking for. For good part of the night one of them seemed to be looking under a chair for something. Did they ever find what it was?
well....I don't know if you were talking about me....:confused:
hmm..I wear a white shirt and was looking for my film under the chair before Angra started. But, luckily I found my film :grin:

And I hope everyone who lost something will find what they lost. ;)
Hmm, im not sure, though I may have seen you. I do recall seeing a cute asian girl in a white shirt the second day when I was out trying to sale my final badge.

Who knows though, there were many cute girls there.
Originally posted by IronPlant
what were those two girls, the Asian girls with the yellow and green shirts, looking for. For good part of the night one of them seemed to be looking under a chair for something. Did they ever find what it was?

I was in the section next to them. The one girl lost one of her contact lenses. I don't think she ever found it!

I was thinking it was something like that. Were they some of the few that flew in from out of the US or just locals that felt like dressing alike?
You were that girl asking everyone if they took your camera!!?? HAhah. You appeared to be alittle under the weather, no wonder you misplaced it!:o
Hahaha .... That was me I guess... Unless there was another girl who lost her camera I don't really remember asking everyone specifically if they TOOK my camera :( Saturday I walked around for a while on a "camera hunt" when I saw one like mine, but then I remembered my battery had died - Oh well. Finders keepers I guess .... asshole :(

Seriously though - I'm still hopeful that I will get it back! :)

Okay seriously - Please - I'm begging - if ANYONE reads this board that knows anything about my camera - get in contact with me - Tessings@hotmail.com or private message me from here or on AIM I am GinaTess or ICQ#175700036!!! It's not so much the camera I want back - I can get another one today if I really wanted, but the pictures that are on that camera mean so much to me - some of family and friends that I will never see again :( There is a WONDERFUL reward offered - I just really really really need it back - PLEASE!!!

Thanks everyone - and I'm sorry to those who keep having to read these posts who know nothing - but get over it ;)

Hi guys! What was it with everyone losing things? I lost a contact as well, I use the "wear one time, toss" kind when it comes to traveling. So then I went to grab my glasses, couldn't find them. Thought they fell out onto the floor of Earthlink. Went on a mad hunt for them. Didn't find them. My story had a good ending though because I got back to the hotel to find I had left my glasses there.

Hope you all find your stuff!