I still remember the first time I ever heard of Lost Horizon.
Back when I was in high school, me and my friends (former bandmates) used to take our weekly drive to the local Borders store to buy new CDs. Every single Friday or Saturday evening, we'd each get something new and drive around listening to it. In one of these times, I stumbled upon Lost Horizon's second disc, A Flame to the Ground Beneath and showed them. We immediately started laughing at the ridiculous band picture on it, not to mention the stupid "Death to False Metal" sticker on it. We made fun of that band for months without even checking them out.
That was until our bassist at the time, Ricky, bought the disc without telling us, afraid we'd make fun of him forever. When he finally showed us the purchase and the music, we were completely blown away by them. Songwriting was excellent, the hooks and choruses were soooo catchy and the vocalist, a vocal God.
Ahhh, how I wish they were still active, touring, recording albums... What a good fucking band!!