LOST IN THOUGHT announces new drummer

Claus / Intromental

20 years of uniting the powers of metal
Lost In Thought Statement;

"We would like to thank everyone for being extremely patient as we have taken our time in announcing the new drummer. Since it's an important matter, we felt we needed to take our time, but we now feel completely ready to announce our new drummer. Please, everyone, could you give a warm welcome to LIT's new drummer, Rory O'Hare.

As many of you know, when we set out to find a replacement for Chris we auditioned many people, but we were only left with two drummers by the end of the auditioning process that we felt could do the job. When it came to Rory we were completely taken back by his playing and how humble as a person he was. As time went on with further sessions playing with him, it became quite clear that Rory would definitely be the man for the job. We feel that with Rory as part of the team we have opened many new doors with our writing skills - we have composed many things on the new album that we are currently recording that we could never have done before. We really feel we have no limitations with our writing.

Once again we would like to wish Chris all the very best with the future and we're sure he will find a new home as a drummer very soon."

Rory's Statement;

I was really impressed with LIT's last album 'Opus Arise' and joining the band was an opportunity that was too good to turn down. Since joining, its been a blast writing and recording the new album. It's a pleasure to play with such talented musicians and I look forward to gigging the new material!

Link for Introduction Video:
