Lost Paradise DVD - movie

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New Metal Member
Jul 28, 2002
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Hi !

i just got latest SX album, this album really rocks, you guys must be crazy , i'm giving very very good rating.
I just wanna make a comment about DVD, especially videos on that package.
It really sucks, video shots from gigs take from one aside camera, you guys deserve much better work, much more money to invest to this kind of stuff, next time if you're going to make a video please make it better, better quallity, band like this deserves to have hi quallity, not just poor shit like that on dvd,

i feel very bad when i've seen and heard it, take a look at Dream Theater latest dvd, this is just great example how to make it the best. I know you guys having such power to reach them or make something better, maybe it just need some more money, that you're missing...
I'd like if you thought about it:notworthy
Hi !

i just got latest SX album, this album really rocks, you guys must be crazy , i'm giving very very good rating.
I just wanna make a comment about DVD, especially videos on that package.
It really sucks, video shots from gigs take from one aside camera, you guys deserve much better work, much more money to invest to this kind of stuff, next time if you're going to make a video please make it better, better quallity, band like this deserves to have hi quallity, not just poor shit like that on dvd,

i feel very bad when i've seen and heard it, take a look at Dream Theater latest dvd, this is just great example how to make it the best. I know you guys having such power to reach them or make something better, maybe it just need some more money, that you're missing...
I'd like if you thought about it:notworthy

Dude, seriously you need to chill out. First off it wasn't a huge official dvd release, just an added bonus for some fans who bought the cd. It was essentially free for you. I have seen the clips, and yes the quality isn't great, but take it for what it is, Symphony X live, which is rare to see on official video released from the band. I had a dvd called Cliff em' all which had terrible quality, but it is one of my favorite videos because it has classic Metallica live, I don't care about the quality. So please will everyone who is talking shit about the dvd just shut up, cause you don't even know what's its like to be in Their position. They are trying to please the fans, so you shouldn't complain. Honestly Symphony X is the greatest band ever, but a few of the fans can be the biggest jerks I have ever met.

Oh yes, and I one final question: Why do so many people seem to single out everything that goes wrong compared to everything that went right? So many people focus on the negative, especially with bands.
Closing this because this topic has been discussed to death here..please do a search for the topic you want to post about before doing so to see if it's already been brought up here (in this case, it's been debated more than once..).
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