SymphonyX free DVD with Paradise Lost

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New Metal Member
Jul 9, 2007

Firstly I would like to say that the new CD is GREAT!!! I've been waiting for it for a long time...As for the free DVD they put with it...anyone complaining about it REALLy needs to shut's free for crying out loud...and it is really cool for those out there that can't make it to see them live if they won't be playing where you live...don't depress the guys that give great music and throw in a freebie....just enjoy it...
If you bought in the US at any other vendor except FYE, the extra $ you paid was for import costs, because FYE was the only US vendor who got the cd w/dvd as a domestic release; all other US vendors had to buy it as an import, & are passing on that added cost to you. So the dvd WAS free, and the band won't see a penny of any extra cost you paid.

That said, I'm closing this thread; the dvd debate thing has been done already.
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