LotFP #44 Mailed...

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
... forgot to post this... but it has mailed...

Revealing HammerFall interview

Four and a half page ProgPower review that looks beyond the euphoria and takes the usual critical look at the bands (nothing to bitch about as far as the festival or organization around it itself!) and what bands got what crowd reaction, why that's good or bad from where I sit, and where the festival could be going from here.

Plus opinion columns which have already caused some controversy (thanks Roman, heh), band profiles, and that's about it this time...

Good issue, although the final essay by Roman was a waste of space... why should we put the effort into reading it if he didn't put the effort into writing it? I want 1/16th of an issue refund! :p
Son of a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just had a looooong-ass reply typed out about issue #44, and I wasn't logged in.....and lost it!!!
DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!! :( That REALLY sucks.

Let me summarize........

Jim's part was great as usual.

Numbskull's complaints were valid, for the most part. Except, I don't see why a reviewer should put hours into a review if the album is complete shit. See Jim's "Sikfuk" review in issue #41 for the perfect example of how to bash a CD & be funny at the same time.

Garth is bad, and deserves a 14.4k modem.

Roman proved Numbskull's point with his "Pot Shots" segment. Definate waste of space. Hope that was the first & LAST installment of "Pot Shots"......because it was crap! No detailed explanation needed!
I meant to comment on Roman awhile back when he remarked on message board behavior...I've had to ban him no less than three times from my site's forums for trolling and flaming.

And yes, his "column" was a joke. I glanced at a bit of it and realized I'll never bother reading his drivel again. Jim, you can do better than this kid.

Finally, concerning Dan's column, I posted a bit of it to my site's forum to see what people think. Don't want anyone thinking I'm hiding behind Jim's back!

Originally posted by SSMT
I meant to comment on Roman awhile back when he remarked on message board behavior...I've had to ban him no less than three times from my site's forums for trolling and flaming.

I just noticed in the "staff" section of the website that Roman's e-mail address is "havoc_vulture.....".

I remember a "Havoc Vulture" from the Metal Maniacs bulletin board. Of all the shitheads on that board, that one irritated me the most. If it's the same guy...........ugggh.

I'm having flashbacks of some of this guy's posts......heh heh. I recall something about getting picked on in school for the metal t-shirts he'd wear, then one day he snapped & kicked somebody's ass! Something like that. LOL.

Again.......maybe it's not the same guy.
Originally posted by SSMT
And yes, his "column" was a joke. I glanced at a bit of it and realized I'll never bother reading his drivel again. Jim, you can do better than this kid.

I knew it sucked balls as soon as I received it. Told him 'never again.'

But the reason he got hired in the first place is to make sure I had someone that was going to piss me off and not be Jim's-views kinda guy.

But I know he's capable of doing so in a quality manner, and this wasn't it.
Originally posted by Jim LotFP
I knew it sucked balls as soon as I received it. Told him 'never again.'

But the reason he got hired in the first place is to make sure I had someone that was going to piss me off and not be Jim's-views kinda guy.

But I know he's capable of doing so in a quality manner, and this wasn't it.

Why did you print it in the first place? It honestly degrades the quality and credibility of your zine as a whole. What if a new subscriber got that as his or her first issue? The bad impression may turn that person off completely.

It's great to have non-Jim views and chances are 99.999% of the world has those views :)grin:), but hiring on a maladjusted, not highly knowledgable kid who tends to be a pest and troll throughout his history is not exactly going to help your cause. Like I said earlier, you can do much better than him and hopefully you'll be considerably more discriminating about his writing if you choose to allow him to contribute.

What I found hilarious was that the article just before Roman's totally criticized that style of reviewing. Needless to say, Kevin Stewart-Panko is funny, Roman is not.

I have to say that I'm not a big fan of the band shorts/profiles/whatever either. What I've always liked about Jim's interviewing style is that no interview is ever the same since they're tailored to the respective interviewee. I can honestly say that I do not remember the name of one band that answered those questions (unlike a band like Zool - but maybe that's because the name's kind of odd). None of them are given the opportunity to flesh out what their band's all about and all you get are some pretty generic answers (esp. with the "what's more important: songwriting, originality..." question). I'd rather the space be filled with just one interview in Jim's usual style. Just my opinion of course.