LotFP Weekly seeking applications for PAID columnist positions.

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
Terms and Conditions, and Application Questionnaire for Columnist Position for LotFP Weekly

With upcoming strong advertising to previously untouched audiences, the expected influx of new subscribers to LotFP Weekly will allow for the realization of a goal: The hiring of paid columnists! As the hopes at this point would be to start columnists as of the August 6, 2002 issue, it is time to open up the application process. I’m looking for new writing talent! Spread the word…

Basic agreements (I’m no lawyer but hopefully this covers my butt):

Definition of column: Any writing done for LotFP Weekly for which you are paid.

All columns are subject to editing.

Columns are due at the time agreed on by the columnist and the editor of LotFP. Generally, it will be once every four weeks.

All writing for LotFP must be exclusive. It is not to be published or distributed in any other medium whatsoever, for a period of 150 days from the cover date of the newsletter which the column is published. However, after 150 days, you can do whatever you wish with it, but LotFP still retains the rights to use the column as well, indefinitely, for whichever purpose desired (including being published on the LotFP website), with full writing credit given.

Columns must be at least 2000 words. Generally, it should take up one page of LotFP Weekly.

Columns must be directly music related, and must be relevant to metal.

If you are in a band, or work for a label, or have any business concerns in the industry, understand that to prevent a conflict of interest, if you are a columnist then your going concern will not be covered in LotFP by myself or any writer in these pages. If you are a decision maker at a label, this includes all of your bands. If you are in a band or in a non-decision making capacity at a label, you may not write about anybody signed to or involved with the same label/management as yourself but other writers may.

If your column is to be an interview, or contain an interview, you must clear that interview with LotFP Weekly’s editor first, in order to prevent duplication of features.

If you use your column space for reviews, each review must contain band name, album title, label releasing, number of tracks, and total running time.

Columns should not address other LotFP columnists or writers. If you wish to present a counterpoint to something in LotFP, do so, but don’t reference the original writing. Just make your point independently.

No writing shall promote bigotry or prejudice against anyone on basis of race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. This includes use of the word ‘gay’. Any bands, artists, individuals or organizations promoting such prejudice shall not be promoted and I prefer not written about at all. LotFP Weekly’s editor is the final judge of what promotes bigotry or prejudice.

Writers shall be paid an amount of $50 for a column if the subscriber base is 500 or less for the issue where the column runs, $75 if the subscriber base is 501 or more. Columnists will also receive a subscription during their tenure with LotFP Weekly. Payment shall be sent within one week of the issue date where the column runs.

This agreement can be canceled by either party up to two weeks before the next deadline, or immediately by LotFP Weekly if these rules are not adhered to.

Entering an application means you understand and agree to these terms.

(and English skills count)

What previous writing experience do you have?

Why do you want to write for LotFP Weekly?

What will make your writing different than other music writers currently being published?

How many albums do you own, in physical form? (this includes only full-packaging CDs, but not albums in MP3 form, CDr burns, or cardboard sleeve promos) Why this many?

What is it you look for in music? Answer in a way where I would not be able to tell what genre or bands you like.

What are the five most important albums in metal history? Why?

What is wrong with your favorite band?

All columnist positions are currently filled. All applications will be kept on file in the case that a new columnist is needed in the future.

Mail your answers, or any questions, here. All submissions are kept on file, and as positions open up, you will be notified.

I'm still trying to decide if this is a good or bad thing? .....for me, of course.

I guess as long as any guest writers aren't complete mindless jackasses, and can tell the difference between quality & crap, I won't care.

All of your writing is very interesting & sometimes thought-provoking. (....and sometimes I wonder....why is Jim making me think? I don't feel like it!!) But overall, my reasoning for reading/following LotFP is because of it's honesty, integrity, and ability to see through the hype ...and promote bands that DESERVE it. Ultimately, I want to be turned on to new bands that are worth my time & money. As long as LotFP keeps doing that, I'll keep following.

Keep up the good work!!!!
Originally posted by jageorge72
I guess as long as any guest writers aren't complete mindless jackasses, and can tell the difference between quality & crap, I won't care.

Well in only a couple hours since I've spammed this out, I've gotten a couple of dozen submissions... should have a healthy pool to choose from by the end of the month...

And I've sent some specific invitations out, hopefully one or two of those will take it...

Not all of the new columnists will be unknowns. ;) Even if I get everyone I WANT... one of the columnist slots will be 'new talent' though... likely will be more than that though...