Fun LotFP facts...

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
... Both bands that LotFP has sponsored for ProgPower have gone on to sign US deals shortly thereafter.

Two of LotFP's major writing influences have appeared in interviews for LotFP (Wagner and Maycock), and a third has asked the editor and supreme commander to write for him (Dick).

LotFP discovered Opeth via five minutes in an internet chatroom in 1997 after disclosing that Cynic and Amorphis were favorites and somebody exclaimed YOU MUST GET OPETH!

LotFP mag's first run was 100 copies with comb binding, designed to send to record labels to take out ads to put out the 'real' press run the next month. Dumb idea. Only one copy of the comb binding, and one copy of the newsprint edition of LotFP mag #1, are left at LotFP headquarters...

The LotFP poem is #1 was supposed to be part one of many... supposed to be another page of that shit in every issue...

LotFP mags 1 and 2 had layouts done by the person who was an inspiration for the personality half of the Flame Princess concept. Her picture is in LotFP #2 with Oscar Dronjak. The real Flame Princess' (lookswise) picture is in #1 and she's not happy about it. The contributor for the Amorphis piece in LotFP mag #6 would have made a fine Flame Princess.

LotFP has seen Anal Cunt live more times than Opeth.

LotFP was supposed to be a monthly 16 page newsprint magazine (basically the size of 2 LotFP Weeklies) beginning with #4. Might have worked even without ad support if 10,000 freely distributed copies weren't insisted on.

LotFP forgot to buy envelopes after the label mailout so #50 doesn't mail til Monday.