Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
For further (and more entertaining) reading on topics discussed in this issue of LotFP, see Isten 100 and METAL issues Diamonds and Rust and Reborn Through Hate.

After spending time overseas, I do believe it is a sign of disrespect and ignorance for English language writers to not use proper characters such as (but certainly not limited to) å, ä, and ö when typing the names of people from other nations. I know I've done it plenty of times in the past, but it's never too late to stop being a dumb fuck. The letters aren't that difficult to find in a word processing program, and it can easily be taken care of it in editing with a find/replace command so the going doesn't have to be slow while writing, and taking the effort means being a halfway intelligent human being.

For old subscribers, this is considered issue #65. Your final issue number is on your mailing label.

There will be further issues of LotFP but I will not even guess when at the present time.

I'd like to thank Kråklund Shåp for their hospitality and cooperation in allowing my access to their stock for a research project. Pitkäkatu 59, 65100 Vaasa, Finland. Phone: (06)3194 723.

Complaints Department

Writing, Art Direction
James Edward Raggi IV

Based on the original Scum art by Jeff Walker

Can you identify all of the record company executives (and musicians) pictured?

Garth Ferrante

AIM: Jim LotFP
Yahoo: jim_lotfp
ICQ: 196768384

Yes, this means I want to hear from you.

c/o Susanna Marika Sandberg
Seriegatan 15 P 5
65320 Vaasa

Only promotional material consistent with the philosophies presented in this issue will be considered for review or coverage of any kind. No video material please. Any submissions not enjoyed by James Raggi or Susanna Sandberg will be sold to help defray the costs of printing and distributing LotFP and maintaining the website.

If you've ever had professional contact with a label, magazine, or even a band that reflects the content of this issue, LotFP would like to hear from you. If you're willing to go on the record and name names, we'd love to hear from you.

If you received this issue for free and want to encourage future issues, you can send $1 to one of the addresses above or through to

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LotFP back issues and T-shirts are for sale on the website.

LotFP: Scum © 2005 James E. Raggi IV. Permission is given to freely copy and distribute the text in part or in full, provided no alterations are made and proper credit is given. Lamentations of the Flame Princess and LotFP are trademarks owned by James E. Raggi IV.