LotFP: RPG announces Insect Shrine of Goblin Hill

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
An adventure for Old School Advanced Edition Fantasy Role-Playing Games

Preview here: http://www.lotfprpg.com/downloads/InsectShrinePreview.pdf

A beginning-level adventure module for Old School Advanced Edition Fantasy Role-Playing Games, Insect Shrine of Goblin Hill presents a complete adventuring environment for Game Masters to challenge, surprise, and torture their players! Featuring cover artwork by Dan Berger (Gutwallow, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and NewsTarget.com).

Insect Shrine of Goblin Hill will have the following sections:
  • Gorsamfeld Inn, a thoroughly detailed "home base" and enough adventure hooks to keep everyone busy without ever needing to venture outside!
  • A goblin village, including a complete cave structure and outdoor dwellings
  • The Shrine of Insects, the long-forgotten temple to the evil alien god of all things creepy and crawly
  • Complete set of maps and descriptions for all locations
  • Adventure seeds and plot ideas to bring the locations to life and draw the PCs into the action
  • Full statistics as close to Old School Advanced Edition standards as the OGL will allow!
Insect Shrine of Goblin Hill has an estimated release date of December 2006. It will be sold as a limited edition of 150 copies (or the exact amount of pre-orders if that miraculously eclipses 150) at a cost of 10€, shipping cost included. The format will be A5-sized black-and-white booklet, unbound for ease of pulling specific sections separately from the module for play. When this limited edition sells out, the module will be placed on this website as a free pdf, minus artwork (but including maps), on this website and a similarly artwork-free version will be made available at-cost on lulu.com. The intent with the LotFP: RPG project is not to make a profit (although the possibility exists to make, literally, a few euros), but to cover costs of printing, artwork, editing, postage, materials, web hosting, etc as well as to provide exciting gaming resources to its target audience.

View the cover art here: http://www.lotfprpg.com/products.php

Pre-order here: http://www.lotfprpg.com/store.php
BenMech said:
Damnit Jim, so this thing now HAS to become a reality, right?

Yes. :)

Principal writing will be complete at the end of this month. Certain text will go to the artist (hoping Berger will do the interior art as well, and the amount of preorders will determine the budget for the art) for visual interpretation. Then it has to be playtested, and then sent to the proofreader. Thus, December release date. :)

I'm about 25% of the way through the main text. The difference between this getting done and previous attempts at making LotFP: RPG is that I'm not creating an entirely new system and game this time - just creating a game adventure for already-existing rules sets. Much easier to do!