Lou Reed + Metallica

They are really going all out to post-rationalize this project. I fear in the end it might only make sense to the band and Lou Reed. Everyone else might just smile and nod politely.
Read about it days ago...absolutely not interested (it seems Lou Reed hit bottom finally :devil:), specially after seeing the cover of the album :puke:
I guess it sounds pretty much like what you'd expect if you put Metallica & Lou Reed together...
I've definitely heard worse Lou Reed records.
I'll buy a copy. Naysayers be damned!

I just heard 3 songs... it's pretty bad. The "Metallica" part isn't anything to write home about, and the Lou Reed part just puts me to sleep.

Your time would be much, much better spent with the new Steel Panther, and new Theocracy when it comes out next month.