Lou Reed + Metallica

That is pretty awful. I must say though.... as terrible as Metallica is, I was so happy to hear James..... ummm....sing after having to listen to Lou. I pretty much hate the post Black Metallica (and didn't like Black either for that matter, as Metallica died after AJFA) but I would rather listen to someone fart than Lou reed sing. As BAD as Metallica is, they have created a new low now. Lou Reed sings about as well as my two-year-old daughter does algebra. That is fucking awful.

As BAD as Metallica is, they have created a new low now. Lou Reed sings about as well as my two-year-old daughter does algebra.


We have to give Metallica a due credit. They always manage to screw metal legacy without lube big time.

And I bet your daughter is a genius on algebra in comparison :D
listened to it 30 minutes, then just turned the sound of. that album really sucks. it's even badder than st. *nger. i kind of took pleasure in death magnetic, the riffs remembered me to the good old days. it'a shame. i just hope metallica realizes what bullshit this album is.
This album is worse than the Velvet Underground, and I didn't think that were possible. I had a feeling this was going to be bad given Lou Reed's inability to write actual music.

Thankfully there have been a slew of great new albums in the past few months to make this album very forgettable.
I'm listening to the album for first time now. It's really nowhere near as bad as everyone says. If it didn't have the Metallica brand attached to it, it definitely wouldn't be getting flamed like this.
There is no singing in this album. It only sounds like lou and james discussing what they'll have for breakfast due to lack of tasteful lyrics... no pun intended.
Put me on the will not buy list. I've had it with them and thier whacky ideas. I mean what the hell?? :loco:

I sampled like 4 full songs from the website as well as the 19 minute + Junior Dad.....what a tedious listen. I'm a guy who loves art rock and prog rock too.

THIS?? It's just irritating as all get out! See ya next time around Metallica. I'll pass on this one. :wave:
Just saw a part of the BBC Jools Holland show with Lulu live... This guy almost never brings metal bands in his show and for this one time he did it was ridiculous, boring, laughable and just plain BAD !!