

New Metal Member
Jan 21, 2008
More and more CD are recorded really loud. This is done because some artists/labels/producers etc wanted to make sure theit product was louder then the competition.

But as a result lots of dynamics are lost on the CD, the whole CD sounds like it is screaming at you the whole time. It makes me sad that with all the modern recording technologies we still get a product that sounds crap.
I would like that the whole loudness war would die, give me back my music with a proper dynamic range.

Original recordings are often much better the then remasterd version. With many remasterd versions the just make everything louder and as a result all dynamics are gone. The remaster the "one of use" album by ABBA is a famous fictim of the loudness war.

Stop the madness and give us back our music.


Even Amazon have a page with victim of the loudness war.


Please fight the producers/sound technicians/bands etc who support loudness. I think people like Andy Sneap are responsible for the very low quality of today's CD's. They may sound ok on the radio but on a good hifi set the sound as heavy as the Kelly family.


Blah, shut the fuck up. Everyone is sick of hearing about "the loudness war". I think you missed the boat. This is old news. Some newb going around the internet posting this drivel on forums is not going to change anything. Now why don't you go steal all of our samples and impulses make the 1,000,000 post looking for guitarhacks impulses and asking how to use them before even thinking to search for a duplicate thread and then see yourself off!

He posted this topic somewhere else on the UM forum and this is a quote of what one of these ignorant retards had to say.

Source: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/general-metal-discussion/364064-loudness.html

The OP was totally right to mention Andy Sneap, who just blasts the shit out of everything. Very unnecessary.

Fucking newb.. Andy does not blast his tracks with a limiter before sending them off to the mastering house. Stupidest shit I've heard all day.

Also check out this post following the one about sneap.

It is pretty annoying. I'll be the first to bitch about pro-tools.

If you are going to go around preaching about this like some crazy street preacher you should at least get your explanation of how this happens correct.

The way they mkae CD's louder is they take all the loud parts aka a drummer hitting a bassdrum. They tune down the volume so that it is a loud as the average of the CD. They do this to all the peaks. Next the take the quite parts and they boost that signal till it is the same loudness as the other music.
When this is done the whole CD is the same loudness. Next they boost the sound so it is at the maximum a CD can handle.

All members here in the sneap forum are more than aware of this and don't need a primer on the topic from someone who obviously has no experience with recording, mixing or mastering. :loco:
They may sound ok on the radio but on a good hifi set the sound as heavy as the Kelly family.

that shows that you have no clue about what you're talking about.
the opposite would be the case, overly compressed stuff could still sound ok on a hifi but totally squashed on the radio since there are some more comps added on top of it.

we are aware of the general thing, but it's also quite obvious that you have absolutely no fucking idea about what you just posted and that you just copied opinions. for more info check Bob Katz' book.....I doubt you'll understand it though.


Now why don't you go steal all of our samples and impulses make the 1,000,000 post looking for guitarhacks impulses and asking how to use them before even thinking to search for a duplicate thread and then see yourself off!

you forgot to tell him to claim that he made all the samples himself. but yeah i havent been arround here for long but fuckin everybody knows this shit now.
I knew it I would get flamed for this thread. But please stop the name calling, it is so silly.

I never claimed I made the sample myself.
I would like to change this thread into an Akira Takasaki worship thread. First of all, that would be a new subject here. Second of all Akira is an amazing guitarist. Everybody should go buy Thunder in the East right now.

This is a good move. This specific Loudness hasn't been discussed over and over by assholes and idiots everywhere who think that because they don't compress their drums their recordings sound better. Not beating a dead horse with another dead horse for the fucking win.

Koehandel, if you know you're going to get flamed for something and you can't post your own arguments or speak properly to an audience that knows what you're talking about already, you're accomplishing nothing so just don't post. Plenty of people, several of whom you'll find on this very forum, don't master things to the extent you're bitching about; in fact, if anyone does that here, I don't recall hearing them. And as for "Please stop the name calling. It is silly.", all I need to say is "Please stop the retarded posts that accomplish nothing and that don't serve any purpose to anyone apart from trying to look smart and cool."... but maybe just for good measure I'll throw in obnoxious pretentious noob jackoff.

"I would like to change this thread into an Akira Takasaki worship thread. First of all, that would be a new subject here. Second of all Akira is an amazing guitarist. Everybody should go buy Thunder in the East right now."

hahah loudness rules, imo there are some pretty good songs off of "shadows of war" like black star oblivion \m/
I wanna make t shirts and buttons and stickers that support loud shit.

"Cause motherfuckers wanna blast that shit!@!!!"

And Akira is one of the best.

Rock and Roll Crazy nights for the win.

\Yeah Rambo had some KILLER special Defects.
Like old farts with the notion that recording to tape

This is one old fart who seriously doesn't miss tape.... Goddamn thing was broke half the time anyway.

I only started turning up my mixes when it started costing me clients. Koehandel has some validity to his argument... but shouldn't come off as such a know it all when he's only got a few posts. Just reeks of amateur status.
However, the opposite of the argument is very true: If you client wants it loud & you don't give it to him, he will go elsewhere next time. Ask yourself if your pocketbook can handle it.