Lovely comments!!!!!!!


Real World's Mad Girl
The spawned recently asked me to pass a demo to a chappy in america for review on his website - HMS i think it is?????

ANyway i mailed him to and this was the comment that i got back!!!! and i thought the band, and fans, might like to read it!!

Thank you very much!!!! i can't wait to get it and review it! a54 are a
great band!


How lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes yes.... here i am! :)

and i know my harmonies when i hear them! hehehe a54 definitely harmonize in the style that i love! like iced earth/maiden (in thirds, of course, for all you musical buffs out there) :) :)
Well hiddy ho, all. Yes figured I'd come out of ye olde' lurkdom to say a quick hello. (In case you couldn't tell, I'm slightly... uhh... farshnikened) Thanks for the kind words and I second Andy when I say Brian is a kickass guitarplayer. (His Axe is wicked cool too). Yngwie couldn't do it better!

Agh I have a Virus and I want to kick my monitor in, so I'm gonna check out for now. I'll be back, though ;) BTW Area 54 rocks!

Up the Hammers...
Originally posted by Reno
Well hiddy ho, all. Yes figured I'd come out of ye olde' lurkdom to say a quick hello. (In case you couldn't tell, I'm slightly... uhh... farshnikened) Thanks for the kind words and I second Andy when I say Brian is a kickass guitarplayer. (His Axe is wicked cool too). Yngwie couldn't do it better!

Agh I have a Virus and I want to kick my monitor in, so I'm gonna check out for now. I'll be back, though ;) BTW Area 54 rocks!

Up the Hammers...

Yngwie needs to learn melody! I'm starting an "I hate Yngwie" club. God I hate that guy. He's an amazing guitar player with no writing ability.
i haven't heard much yngwie... but i'm sorry to say.. black star=yuck that melody line is so annoying.. ack... fire and ice is a cool song though... it's a little better.... i think someone needs to tell him that there is more to play than just arpeggios :)
Vai needs to have a little sit-down with him, LOL. I'm not a big fan of his earlier stuff, (although I liked Odysee and Eclipse) but Facing the Animal and Alchemy are incredible albums IMHMFCSO. War to End All Wars sounds like it was recorded in the back of a van, so it's hard to tell on that one...
wow, im impressed....

brian and john in the same forum :)

hehe, glad u both registered with ultimate metal. tis a great place, and the blaze and 54 forums have some great people who visit :)

hey tony and mg, we need to do a meet up @ sum point to work out whats happening with the 54 fan site......
