Possibility for the Pre-Party next year?

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
I received Guillotine's demo for review for Metal Temple, and I was just totally blown away, totally fucking awesome shit. Their music a power/thrash mix and they would be perfect to get the fest up and running like what Outworld did this year. They opened for Therion at Jaxx's earlier this year. It also appears that they are looking for a new singer, which is too bad as I really enjoyed Taz. Anyway check them out. You can download their entire demo at their website.

Here is the website http://www.guillotinemetal.com

Here is my review
In this case, I know a great Power Metal band from South Florida that will probably do anything to get on Progpower pre-party. Check them out!!


They have been recording lately for a better quality, and are releasing an album very soon and press kit or something, she said. So whatever song they have is not so great quality but very good band. I think they'd fit quite well! Check it out yourself.
Okay, well I can see this thread got a little off topic, the point of the matter was for you guys to check out Guillotine and post comments about them, not make suggestions for other bands. Either way I think that Wolf Pack shows promise, thanks Empress.
I think you need to settle down, mister guardian26 or I will have to cyberly kick your ass!! LOL!! Seriously though I was just curious to what everyone thought about them, because I really dig them.
adaher said:
Whoa, a power metal band in So. Florida? I'll have to be sure to go next time they have a gig in the area.

Just stay up to date with their site or myspace. Or go here once in a while, on the left column the upcoming shows are there. It might need some updating, however. :rock:
I know pete, I should just make thread that says "lets go as far off topic as possible, lets talk about push-me-pull-yous". Which by the way is probably the coolest animal ever, even if it doesnt really exist. Impress with your movie knowledge and tell what movie this animal comes from.
