Now I REALLY think that Hourglass should play the pre-party next year!

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
I just saw Hourglass play here in Salt Lake a couple of hours ago. They played three new songs, and they all sounded AWESOME!!! Definitely a progression from A Journey Into, with more energy than the previous songs (not an easy feat if you ask me). Here's to hoping that more of you get a chance to see and/or hear them soon!

I think they would be an excellent choice for the ProgPower pre-party next year, if Shane is still looking for a band to complete the lineup...

BTW, the Hourglass website (with a few sound clips from A Journey Into) can be found at:
Actually, Cody sounds a lot like the old singer. He did a passable Getty Lee on a cover of Tom Sawyer too!

Eric is happy to be back on keys with the band again. Really, all of the guys are just ecstatic about playing live once again with a full lineup.

I'm still in awe of the drummer (John Dunston) though. He really does have that feel - even live, and simply sounded awesome!

I felt for the other bands that played that night. I think at least two of them didn't have much experience playing live, much less with five prog band guys tearing it up and dropping jaws during their performance. Now if only the sound guys hadn't taken so long trying to get all the extra channels to actually work (about a half hour was spent working through most of the sound problems - and there were still issues while Hourglass played). Hopefully this doesn't happen again Saturday...