Review Requests

Eden's Fall

Dec 9, 2005
:wave: Welcome to the "Eden's Fall - Reviews" Sub-Forum!:rock:

If you write for a music publication or website and would like to review "Harmony of Lies", you can contact us via e-mail at and give us your mailing address and a link to your site. Please put "Review Request" in the subject line.

Once your review is completed, please START A NEW THREAD in this sub-forum with the text of your review and a link to your website. Readers are welcome to post comments about the review.

If you write for a print publication, please forward a copy of your current issue (along with your mailing address) to:

Eden's Fall
PO Box 87903
Carol Stream, IL 60188

After the review is published, we would appreciate a few copies of the publication and your permission to transcribe the text of the review and post it on our website and/or Forum.

Thank you for your support and for Keeping METAL Alive!!! :worship: