Metal to Infinity Review


The Bringer Has Come
Dec 1, 2001
Here's one from Belgium...

Eden's Fall hails us all from Chicago, consists of five talented musicians and what they brings a blend of US Classic Heavy Metal and blistering Thrash Metal, Bay area style. "Harmony Of Lies" is their debut album, mixed somewhere in Sweden by Dan Swanô, yeah the master himself. Famous and brilliant musician James Murphy mastered the album in a perfect way. The songs are writtened by Eden's Fall themselves and please trust me on my word, this is a great piece of US Metal.

John Barr's vocal lines are straight, tight and very powerful...i'd like to call John an excellent Thrash Metal singer. Background vocals roars like hell but it fits very well with the rest of the music. Eden's Fall has also two genius guitarists in their ranks. Heavy riffs and many, overwhelming adrenaline kicking solo's, definitely will caughts your attention too. Drums and bass lines, you won't hear my complaining at all! I don't wanna stop saying it over and over again, this is a magical form of great Metal music that deserves alot more attention as it gets right now.

Bands like Eden's Fall and many more other, awesome US based Metal bands playing their fingers to the bone and don't get the attention they need or deserve to survive. More support from all of you would be more than welcome and appreciated from the heart. Eden's fall brings me back to glorious eighties Metal troops such as: Forbidden, Hallows Eve, Meliah Rage, Attaxe,... to name but a few. Most of the songs are played in a mid tempo way but you can feel the driving force lurking from behind awaiting to strikes you down at unexpected moments. These guys are more than just a regular, underground Metal band due to all of the incredible musical skill they've developed through the years of existence.

I praise Eden's Fall's new album "Harmony Of Lies" (along with numerous other US Metal bands) to heaven because they're great, excellent, means lifeblood to me!! US Power / Thrash Metal at its best!! Order is possible via: or email directly to: MY POINTS: 96 / 100