Low budget project I did last week...what do you think?


Mar 30, 2005
Ok..the guys I produced this winter (Mastodon style if you remember) called me to record 3 songs for their new EP.
The style is more death metal oriented (like the first album) and we recorded with a very tight budget because in some months they will record the new full length album, so the performances are not iper tight and polished.
I post a little sample of the song I'm mixing and I would be very glad if you can post your impressions

Yes, I have to take a watch to the kick...anyway the mix is pretty much finished. Tomorrow I will export the settings to the other sessions and next week I will check the whole EP with the band for the final retouches.
Drums was recorded this winter in a shitty cold room (we got some tuning problems also) but it turned out pretty well.
Actually snare was a mix of the miced track, slate sample and one of my own samples. Kick was totally replaced (because of the tuning problem).
We recorded bass and guitars with the guitarist's AxeFx but I reamped with my 6505+.
some guitar editing could probably add a couple of bucks to the sound, and cut alot of lowmids on the kick and try removing some compression and perhaps use a transient designer to get it to cut instead. because this is a common problem, you get everything sounding close to perfect in the mix, everything is balanced and you're really concerned about the levels, then you start playing with the mastering chain. buscomp makes your snare disappear, limiter makes the kick sound like crap and brings up the guitars a couple of db's and then it's all ruined. but this is a good mix, don't get me wrong. it's only the kick that is suffering a bit.
What always amaze me with your mix is how your low end sit on every mix you done.

You dial your low end only on HS50 or did you use other reference for that?
Simply curious;)
Hs-50, akg 271 (headphones) and the final judgement in my car (expecially the bass) :) In my last projects I use much more my headphones because of the room.
I can't wait to have a decent room so I can mix properly