My other friends are going to see Bush (LOLOLOLOL).
Get new friends.
My other friends are going to see Bush (LOLOLOLOL).
Interesting you post this today. I saw Firewind at Jaxx (Springfield, VA near Washington, DC) just last night. This year and last year the crowd for Firewind was pathetically low. Maybe 40 or 50, and that's pushing it.
What a crappy coincidence, huh? XP It happens, though. My other friends are going to see Bush (LOLOLOLOL).
Thankfully, I have started to hit a fresh infusion of attendees as those that attended during the glory era of IV-VI just don't come out anymore
There are two main reasons for the lack of draw recently:
1. Fans of the type of bands/genres you describe have gotten older and face a lot more choices/responsibilities than they faced ten years ago. Many have children now that prevent them from getting out.
So you're a prog snob I take it?
Then if the older people can't go now-a-days to live shows, breed your children into successful people that like metal. That way they can start early and support the next generation of bands to try and make it![]()
Buy some earplugs for the both of you that say "I love my wife/mamma" on them!
Show your kid how to train your dragon and tell him that if he listens to a Blind Guardian he one day can fly his own dragon!
And this is why I am taking my 7 year old to see Sabaton Sunday Night at the Masquerade.
How about one enormous reason that I've only seen peripherally mentioned in this thread: SMALL FANBASES == SMALL TURNOUTS.
I think it's safe to say that a certain subset (call it T%) of a band's fans in a city will turn out for a concert, while the rest will stay home for any of the reasons already mentioned in this thread. (you can define "fans" any way you like: people who bought their album, listen to them on the radio, "like" them on Facebook, have a tattoo, etc., but keep it constant). Then the question becomes:
Is the turnout percentage substantially lower for this sub-genre of metal than it is for any other genre of music? For example, if T% of Matisyahu fans go to a Matisyahu concert and (T+3)% of Mastodon fans go to a Mastodon concert, do only (T-20)% of Firewind fans go to a Firewind concert?
If not, if a "normal" percentage of Firewind fans DO got to a Firewind concert, then the question about concert turnout isn't at all interesting, because it's really just asking "why aren't more people fans of Firewind?"
So is there any hard support for a claim that a smaller percentage of fans show up for European melodic metal concerts than other genres? One possibility already raised along those lines is that fans of European melodic metal skew older than fans of other genres, and I can believe that 'T' and fanbase-age have an inverse relationship. But even then, maybe those older people should no longer be included in the roster of "fans" and should be labeled "former fans" instead.
LOL what? Dude, I was referencing to the tour we put together (Intromental) earlier this year... Uniting the Powers of Metal tour, in August?
A tour which, by the way, utterly rocked. Creation's End, Artizan, Widow, and Seven Kingdoms. It was like an oversized appetizer of awesome before the crazy orgy of JustDamn that is ProgPower. This concertgoer felt he MORE than got bang for his buck at that show.
LOL what? Dude, I was referencing to the tour we put together (Intromental) earlier this year... Uniting the Powers of Metal tour, in August? That drew more people than Firewind did at some shows of their current tour.
You made no sense just now.![]()
OK, your post didn't make any sense to me neither. Now I get it. Thanks. I think!
I wish I could have seen that show at Jaxx in August, but that was when the better half said she wanted to go on vacation to Pennsylvania...
Awesome post as usual, until you wrote this.If one has to see a band live (and actually see them each time they are in town, right?) to be a fan of the band, then I am a fan of exactly zero bands.
It sucks not being able to support everyone.