Low crowds for recent metal tours...

I really hate when people say things like "It's only $30". For many of us, $30 is not cheap. When people I know act like that ("You had no reason to miss that show. It was only $30") I want to say "Well if it's only $30, how about you buy me a ticket?" Of course, they never do.

I used to catch every show that came through the MD/DC/NoVA area. Now I've gotta be very picky about what shows I go.
For me, it's not "only $30" for the ticket, it's at least $30 just getting to the shows in NYC. Hell, it's $12 just to get over the damn crossings never mind parking. And heaven help you if you actually would like a beer - $9 is normal and the bartenders expect a buck for every one or they'll ignore you. I used to be on the guest list for a lot more shows and an evening out would still set me back a bit. Now I'm concentrating on building a business where I actually get paid so I just can't go to every show anymore - though I'd still like to. I just have to be more selective.

But I will continue to stubbornly show up for ProgPower regardless. :D
For me, it's not "only $30" for the ticket, it's at least $30 just getting to the shows in NYC. Hell, it's $12 just to get over the damn crossings never mind parking. And heaven help you if you actually would like a beer - $9 is normal and the bartenders expect a buck for every one or they'll ignore you. I used to be on the guest list for a lot more shows and an evening out would still set me back a bit. Now I'm concentrating on building a business where I actually get paid so I just can't go to every show anymore - though I'd still like to. I just have to be more selective.

But I will continue to stubbornly show up for ProgPower regardless. :D

This is why I'm glad I only live 10 minutes away from Jaxx. Shows are relatively cheap, no parking costs and relatively inexpensive beer (for a club)
This is why I'm glad I only live 10 minutes away from Jaxx. Shows are relatively cheap, no parking costs and relatively inexpensive beer (for a club)

I really miss living in one of those apartments near Jaxx. Back in the day, I could walk there.. and regardless of the silly things that happen there, they do get some amazing shows. To be honest, we're really lucky to have a place like Jaxx.
My situation in NC is that we have two, maybe three venues. Lincoln Theater, Volume 11, and Amos Southend I think. We also have the Greensboro Colosieum (spell) but thats like Megadeth/ACDC territory ($50+) It already takes me 1hr 30 minutes ish to get to Volume 11. The problem is there aren't many metal shows that I like being booked near here (afaik). I attended the UTPOM w/ Seven Kingdoms etc. at Volume 11 on a weekday (Thursday iirc) to about 20 NPC to about 3 NPC towards the end of the night. I only really attended cause a) I knew the band from the Blind Guardian tour b) the show was $10, a steal c) I could stop at my brothers apartment 8 minutes from the venue. d) I was in need of a live metal fix. I don't have a job so getting a place to stay for free is awesome if i need it (ie my living situation at PPUSA).

http://www.volume11tavern.com/?q=calendar Here's the event calendar for volume 11. (Symphony X tour)

http://www.lincolntheatre.com/schedule.htm and for Lincoln Theater (Blind Guardian tour)

HA! and it was a freaking great time too wasn't it? Sometimes the little shows are the most fun to play.
I really miss living in one of those apartments near Jaxx. Back in the day, I could walk there.. and regardless of the silly things that happen there, they do get some amazing shows. To be honest, we're really lucky to have a place like Jaxx.

This. I think we take a place like Jaxx for granted sometimes. I have my issues with the venue, but they have brought so many great bands and tours to the area year after year.
For me, it's not "only $30" for the ticket, it's at least $30 just getting to the shows in NYC. Hell, it's $12 just to get over the damn crossings never mind parking. And heaven help you if you actually would like a beer - $9 is normal and the bartenders expect a buck for every one or they'll ignore you. I used to be on the guest list for a lot more shows and an evening out would still set me back a bit. Now I'm concentrating on building a business where I actually get paid so I just can't go to every show anymore - though I'd still like to. I just have to be more selective.

Oh, NYC shows are the worst! In 2008 I drove up to NYC (B.B. King's, to be exact) to see Grave Digger. Almost $80 for 2 tickets ($30+$8 bullshit fee), about $50 in gas, $30 or $40 in parking, probably about $40 in tolls. The show was well worth every penny (I'm a diehard Grave Digger fanboy) but it was still a lot to shell out for any show. After all that, plus dinner, drinks, and a shirt (which was $20, surprisingly), I wound up spending close to $400.

For the record, anyone who goes to see a show at BB King's, DO NOT have dinner at the restaurant in the venue. Food is awesome, but $16 for a cheeseburger & chips is fucking ridiculous!

About a month ago, we went to the Gramercy Theater to see Doro and I think the tolls alone were about $50 this time.

But I will continue to stubbornly show up for ProgPower regardless. :D
Same here. :grin:

Off the top of my head, I think the most I ever spent on a single show (not a festival or an all-day/multi-day event) was in October 2000, I spent almost $200 on a 2nd row center ticket for KISS. Totally worth it.
My situation in NC is that we have two, maybe three venues. Lincoln Theater, Volume 11, and Amos Southend I think. We also have the Greensboro Colosieum (spell) but thats like Megadeth/ACDC territory ($50+)

There's also the legendary Milestone in Charlotte, but that's more for small shows & punk rock shows. Total hole-in-the-wall dive bar, but I love that place. Played some great shows there & had some great times there!
For the record, anyone who goes to see a show at BB King's, DO NOT have dinner at the restaurant in the venue. Food is awesome, but $16 for a cheeseburger & chips is fucking ridiculous!

About a month ago, we went to the Gramercy Theater to see Doro and I think the tolls alone were about $50 this time.
Oh, yea food at B.B. Kings is awesome (best calamari in the world!) but totally overpriced. If you ever go to NYC for a show there again or at the Best Buy, let me know and I'll let you in on our secret spot only a couple blocks away. Everything is half the price of B.B.'s.

They raised the tolls a couple months ago. Was $8 for the crossings now it's $12! I also know cheaper park garages too. The ones near Times Square are ridiculous.
Oh, NYC shows are the worst! In 2008 I drove up to NYC (B.B. King's, to be exact) to see Grave Digger. Almost $80 for 2 tickets ($30+$8 bullshit fee), about $50 in gas, $30 or $40 in parking, probably about $40 in tolls. The show was well worth every penny (I'm a diehard Grave Digger fanboy) but it was still a lot to shell out for any show. After all that, plus dinner, drinks, and a shirt (which was $20, surprisingly), I wound up spending close to $400.

I regret missing this. If they come back I will not let it pass by.
It drives me crazy when people use the excuse of getting married and having kids as to why they don't attend shows. I've been married nearly 10 years, have a two year old child and one on the way. Plus, I'm the only income in my family. I managed to get to ProgPower this year but on a skimpy budget. I basically bought one cd and that was it. I live in Tennessee, so I have to drive at least 4 hours to get to a decent show.

I think it basically boils down to how a person manages their money. Attending a show within this genre isn't expensive. I hardly ever hit the big tours like Bon Jovi or Journey though due to the prices of tickets being sickening! I also normally just drive to the show and drive back. My days of getting a hotel room are over...way to overpriced! I just suck it up and drive back home late.

With that said, I intend on supporting the bands within this genre for as long as I'm physically able...I've just cut back on the extra spending that I use to do during my concert trips.


Whoaaaaa there, look at what you wrote, that is total crap. Sometimes when a couple get married(even if they both work) they have expences that they normally wouldn't have otherwise, and also when they have a child oh my god don't get me started. Now a question for you. You said you went this year but on a budget, when and how many PP have you missed since you got married and had your first child?
As far as ProgPower, people still have that stupid notion that they *absolutely need* to buy a bunch of drinks, merchandise and stay at the more expensive hotels in order to have a good time. That's a huge crock of shit. If you really want to come down to the festival, you don't need any of those things.

1 - Don't buy CDs. Just because it's ProgPower, it doesn't mean you need to drop that crazy amount of money. You can buy CDs at other times too. It's not like the vendors won't have them available on their site.

2 - If you need to drink, buy a 24 pack at the grocery store when you get to Atlanta. Yes, you heard that. Why feel like you *have* to buy 3, 4 drinks at the venue at $8 each? I don't care what anyone says, drinking is not a major necessity at a show. You can have just as good a time without it. It doesn't make you uncool or antisocial either.

3 - Stay at a cheaper hotel. Sure, the Artmore is friggin' awesome cause it's so close. $200/night is not awesome though. Walk a few extra blocks and get a room that's just as good for half the price. (Midtown, Inn @ Peachtrees, Residence (if booked early enough), Super 8). Oh yeah, share the room with at least another person. It's not that bad. :)

4 - Oh yeah, time to eat. Sure, you can go to the restaurants every single day for lunch. That's what, at least $15/meal? How about stocking up on food at the grocery stores nearby and leaving it at the hotel? Yup. Totally doable. $20 can feed you well for the whole weekend.
As far as ProgPower, people still have that stupid notion that they *absolutely need* to buy a bunch of drinks, merchandise and stay at the more expensive hotels in order to have a good time.

Your advice reminds me of my con days! We used to put 5-6 people in a room at once, bring food to the hotel, and spend all of our money on STUFF. Those were the days...

I wouldn't suggest sneaking in booze to any venue (it's dumb, I've seen dummies do it and get too drunk..) but pre-gaming? That's always fun. :D
Your advice reminds me of my con days! We used to put 5-6 people in a room at once, bring food to the hotel, and spend all of our money on STUFF. Those were the days...

Heh, in a 2 bed room, you could easily get 10 people into it for a Con, if it's in the same hotel as the con itself... sleeping in shifts, since things happen all day and night.
lots of bands sleep in vans and other shitty sleeping situations just to loose money on their first several tours. In a way, starting a band in today's market is like sending your members to college, or having a kid. Its a labor of love for bands as it should be for fans.

lots of bands sleep in vans and other shitty sleeping situations just to loose money on their first several tours.

Speaking of.. I ran into a touring van in DC the other day. Their van was getting a ticket because as it turns out, it broke down and they were stuck. x_x Eep.
Speaking of.. I ran into a touring van in DC the other day. Their van was getting a ticket because as it turns out, it broke down and they were stuck. x_x Eep.

I mean really, I think if people experienced touring first hand they would maybe try a little harder to "make it happen" or at least weigh things a little harder when thinking, should I go or not? Yes its a pain in the ass to get out there and be a disciple of metal on a weekday sometimes, but isn't that what its about? showing people that the metal underground is actually alive and flourishing? That we as a whole can make these shows happen and make sure they KEEP happening?
I mean really, I think if people experienced touring first hand they would maybe try a little harder to "make it happen" or at least weigh things a little harder when thinking, should I go or not?

This is true. Then again, I'll be honest, I can't go out on weekdays too often because I wake up at 5 AM every day and work 8 hours in uniform. If I know a band I love is coming, I'll try and get the day off, but I can't do that spur-of-the-moment stuff anymore.

Making good money is a sacrifice.