Low Gain Guitar Output?


Feb 18, 2006
I recently got some emg's installed in my ibanez rg 7 string and have been using fairly thin strings since then. I kind of thought the output was a little weak compared to my 6 string with the same emgs and same tuning. (81 bridge, 85 neck)
I replaced the strings on it yesterday and the output now sounds noticeably weak.
I did a quick DI track through my pod and was wondering if someone could just check it out for 2 seconds and see what they think.
I'm sure some of it will be to do with the heavier strings but what do you guys think?
Thanks :rock:
What is your 6 string guitar?
I`m noticed that Jackson have usually higher output because bridge pickup located further from the bridge than on many other guitars, so string amplitude above pickup is higher. Once I have situation when higher gauge strings have lower output than lighter gauge.
I haven't listened to it yet (at work), but did you change the volume and tone pots on the guitar when adding the EMGs?
I had a luthier install them and yeah he used the pots that came with the EMG's. I have the old ones here.

Just a shot in the dark here, but try raising the pickup height.
I did that when i changed the strings. Raised the bridge 81-7 about 0.5cm.

What is your 6 string guitar?
I`m noticed that Jackson have usually higher output because bridge pickup located further from the bridge than on many other guitars, so string amplitude above pickup is higher. Once I have situation when higher gauge strings have lower output than lighter gauge.

They are both Ibanez RG's.