How hard do you hit'em? Guitarstrings..

I hit the strings very hard . I can't see how it could sound good for metal any other way ! It does suck for tuning though, especially in drop tunings, which is why I'm switching to heavier gauge soon :D
The guitar by essence cannot be in tune for all notes, you will eventually have tuning problems a way or another during a recording.

I still prefer hearing someone playing hard (but controlled) even if it's slightly out of tune for a 1/10 of seconds. If it's too much, do punch ins.
I bought some of theose new dunlop Strings which are Like all "ughhhhh Im brootalz strings UGHHHHH"
They are excellent for down tuning (drop c Sharp) They don't go BAAUUUUUUOOOOOO like others strings in around that gauge!
I got 0.74 strings for my baritone (I play drop-A and standard-B and used to have 0.60 for that). SO MUCH BETTER gmfsdkgfds. It feels and sounds awesome compared to the 0.60s.