Lower Than Atlantis

Wow I haven't listen to something that fresh in a year or so ! And I normally don't like modern rock (and all that resemble it) too much !

Stellar mix, I personally like a bit of extra bass so I'm fine with it. I love the aesthetics, and it just fits the song perfectly !
The songwriting sounds very refreshing in a super "humble" manner. Like how it almost crossed over to metal territory but refuses to not sound accessible.

Mix sounds stellar, love the guitars and bass.
It was definitely recorded and produced by Dan Lancaster, pretty sure the producer term here is all encompassing and refers to the mix as well:- (at any rate it's consistent with his other output and I've not seen Romesh post anything about this one to my recollection)

Guys been on the UK scene for a while and I've heard a few things through the grapevine, he used to record in a part of a factory his brother operated which meant crazy overnight sessions at strange hours, he was also a singer in a band called Proceed - dude has a great voice and I think he's doing songwriting/mixing stuff for Sony now or something cos he's done a few pop numbers too, some more cuts:

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Dan Broadley does a lot of videos for bands like this, love his work. Also from Plymouth.

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