lurch's dating donation thread

snow2fall said:
Flying via NYC would cost me an extra €300. Cheapest route is Berlin-London-Vancouver. :(

How about you come up to Canada for my b'day party? The Nadster might be there too. :loco:

bah ... thanks for the invite ... but i think you guys will need some "private" time :loco: ... and I don't mean with nad.
lizard said:
lurch, this would be a great Mini road trip! you, the mini, your passport...and speedo.

actually not a bad idea ... one thing I hate about my car, it has no cruise control, bought it off the lot ... but I am looking to possibly trade it in.
Conspicuously Absent said:
Yeah, you can bring speedos for me and NAD and we can terrorize the neighbourhood. And maren.

and with this post ... for those of you still not knowing what is going on ... well ... here all the clues you need :loco:

A flight has been booked. :Spin:

Abflug: Berlin (TXL), 1.Aug.06 um 07:30
Ankunft: London (LHR), 1.Aug.06 um 08:35 Terminal: 1
Dauer: 2Std. 5Min.
Entfernung: 932 km (579 Meilen)

Abflug: London (LHR), 1.Aug.06 um 13:05 Terminal: 4
Ankunft: Vancouver (Intl.), 1.Aug.06 um 14:30 Terminal: M
Dauer: 9Std. 25Min.
Entfernung: 7.585 km (4.713 Meilen)


Abflug: Vancouver (Intl.), 31.Aug.06 um 18:10 Terminal: M
Ankunft: London (LHR), 1.Sep.06 um 11:10 Terminal: 4
Dauer: 9Std. 0Min.
Entfernung: 7.585 km (4.713 Meilen)

Abflug: London (LHR), 1.Sep.06 um 16:05 Terminal: 1
Ankunft: Berlin (TXL), 1.Sep.06 um 18:50
Dauer: 1Std. 45Min.
Entfernung: 932 km (579 Meilen)

NADster, Poppa Lurch, make sure you come out to paaarty for a few days!! :rock: :kickass:
hehehe ... nice progress. so its only 9:25/hrs from london to Vancouver ... not bad.


:O you're gone an entire month? woah.
I might end up at that side of the ocean some time as well. But first it's up North again for some time.

@Erik: Gay Boyfriends rule!