

Herald of Homoerotic Fury
Aug 10, 2002
I know you're out there, you 3 lurkers! Say hi or something! Stop just...lurking're freaking me out...o_O
Sorry bro I'm Dissolving into the Unknown, entering the dimensions unsees, i don't know if I'm dead or alive or if it's just an illusion.

*yeah I through in some extra to get the point across
Ya true my cat is. She's awesome. Lazy and only comes out when she wants food, like me. :p
I think he's looking more for his marbles than his sand...:Smug:
o_O I can't even wrap my head around that one, F_V. You've outdone yourself for being confusing and vague.

And out of random curiousity, what the hell is ert and hoorj?

I was tempted to buy it after I heard Day of your Beliefs...but I downloaded a few more songs and they didnt really appeal to me...if your an Amorphis fan its worth checking out for sure.
Neal what are you thinking? Amorphis hasn't been good for ages! :tickled:
Actually I shouldn't say that cause after Tales.. I listened to the new stuff with the different singing and all for about 5 seconds and went !:eek: and cried and peed me pants
Final_Vision said:
Gums, Ahnold is gonna be my new Governor !:eek:

I know! :eek: Poor Arnie.. such a good guy but I'm afraid he's over the hill. The Arnold I am a fan of is the Arnold from the 70s and 80s (and part of the nineties).. none of this political shinanigans! Ah well, he still has to win an election or something, doesn't he? :tickled: