Fucking Tambourines are everywhere!

Its quite a common 'trick' where the producer asks for a tamborine or more often a cowbell (and sometimes a click track) mixed in very low where you cant really hear it but it adds 'something'. Dance producers have been doin it for years and I know that some big time rock producers incorporate it in thier mixes. It's the 'you dont know it's there untill you mute it' scenario. White noise is sometimes added again subliminally into mixes.
Its quite a common 'trick' where the producer asks for a tamborine or more often a cowbell (and sometimes a click track) mixed in very low where you cant really hear it but it adds 'something'. Dance producers have been doin it for years and I know that some big time rock producers incorporate it in thier mixes. It's the 'you dont know it's there untill you mute it' scenario. White noise is sometimes added again subliminally into mixes.

Yeh, there is an instance of this in "my curse" by KSE actually amongst other things (lamb of god had it too). Just a really crappy sounding synth mixed extremely low. Doesnt seem to ad anything for me, but i guess it contributes to "the wall of sound".
I like tambourines and shakers. Then again, I rarely ever produce metal :)

Best thing for those is Stylus RMX. Even if you don't like a single beat or feature, the thing is worth it's price just as a tambourine/shaker machine ...
Well... the Cult is epic fucking win, and they use tambourines pretty frequently...

but metal bands? ehhhhh... I dunno. maybe?

just no FUCKING hand claps!!!!!!
Best thing for those is Stylus RMX. Even if you don't like a single beat or feature, the thing is worth it's price just as a tambourine/shaker machine ...

Stylus RMX is awesome. It's all over my band's stuff in the mellow bits.

I'm fond of tambourines and shakers as well (the best shaker I have is the pepper mill from my kitchen. :lol: ) but our music has a decidedly industrial bent to it a lot of times, so we can get away with using this stuff.
Best thing for those is Stylus RMX. Even if you don't like a single beat or feature, the thing is worth it's price just as a tambourine/shaker machine ...

I have it, it's really powerful.

It's a bit OT but...

Do you start to write your beats/song basis with RMX ?
I often play around with it, but still I can't create anything practical.... Any tips on a workflow ?
I have it, it's really powerful.

It's a bit OT but...

Do you start to write your beats/song basis with RMX ?
I often play around with it, but still I can't create anything practical.... Any tips on a workflow ?

Sometimes yes. Sometimes I'll just run through the preset until one inspires me, and build a song around it. But it's mainly giving birth to the song, sometimes I'll erase it during the creation of the song.