Fucking Tambourines are everywhere!

not on this album I will not allow it. That new Nickleback is the worst for this. I actually bought the record to check out a couple of mixes and am deeply disturbed by what i got for $14. I will be invoicing roadrunner.

Andy, do you own a tamboruine? I know, it appears to be quite late, but i must ask this lol. TO quote lasse, "i8m dunk as fuck" Tis probably one for the morning tho, as it is almost 6am eek.
but seriously, sometimes it works;
btw ive got some great tamborine samples i recorded. i took the piss and recorded them with a pair of royers into apis.
ill stick on my idisk for yall and let you know when they;re up
I hate handclaps, and I hate onomatopoeia in vocal lines... just going "do da be de da do" and that sort. Cant stand it.
Handclaps + tambourine = total win! :Smokin:

Add in some vibraslap and you have yourself a hit single.

Handclaps + tambourine = total win! :Smokin:


There's some hand-clappy stuff on Killing Joke's latest album Hosannahs From The Basement Of Hell (on the song "Walking With Gods"). Sounds really good.
i think the new nickel back stuff is really awesome....

Was just listening to Dark Horse, the drums are HUGE!

Since this thread started, I'm hearing the damn things everywhere. Lot of late 90's and 2000 stuff.

I think Static-X use them similar to White Zombie.

For most music, I like them as a subtle addition that you don't really notice until you listen carefully.