I've just read comparisons to Drudkh, Negura Bunget and Burzum which intrigued me, but it was through an Ebay auction description - and as we all know, those are about as reliable as an ice sculpture in the Bahamas.
I've got all three albums by this guy (on cassette, because it was cheap). I wouldn't make such comparisons myself. It is decent music if you're really into the subgenre, but it's by no means "essential".
I've got all three albums by this guy (on cassette, because it was cheap). I wouldn't make such comparisons myself. It is decent music if you're really into the subgenre, but it's by no means "essential".
Got the album with the weird title as part of a Nasheim trade. It's okay, certainly nothing groundbreaking, and certainly nowhere close to Negurã or Drudkh in quality. I'm with Møøse; someone who isn't REALLY into the genre (that would be you Dark One) has no real need to hear this band.