lyrical quotes that have had a profound effect on you.

I'm going tom have to bite off of one off my collegues screennames and go with Clayman by In Flames:
It's so anti-heroic and mediocre. Reminds me of me. It's devoid of all the rock posturing that sometimes makes metal so hollow...
your self control makes me feel so alone
i've tried confidence, had it for breakfast today
i've lost the perfection a mess without words
as the seasons change i'll continue to ignore
the image i project - me without me
the picture that i scanned is borrowed

after the education you stopped making sense to me
seems to me that it's all the same time and time and time and time again
slowly all that i believed in turning into a lie
spending too much time with myself
trying to explain who i am

how come it's possible
i wish there was a way
i feel so invincible
i'm the sculpture made out of clay

i need someone to break the silence
before it all falls apart
i need something to cling onto
before i break you in parts

so afraid of what you may think
and all the plastic people that surround me
i have to find the path to where it all begins
Went the half mile
wondered when the resolution would come
life became too solid, diluted by the escence of denial
caught in fire's eye
Oh, the self and the filter that is I

DT, Auctioned

All the thoughts that you defined
Tread the light again
Take the pain away
It feels as though time has tears
Never seem to end

DT, Day to End

Run away, run away
Just one second, and I was left with nothing
Her fragrance still pulsating through damp air
That day came to an end
And she had lost in me, her

I think you all know...
What I don't know,
is what hurts me the most
what I can't see
is what scares me at night
It feels so useless,
everything turns black
I am back where I started,
over and over again
-Misery Loves Co.

Simple lines, but they have surely had a great effect on me.
Solefald have indeed made a cool lyric with "The USA Don't Exist" - it's fresh yet social criticism, which isn't found too often in metal nowadays.

I think a lot of metal bands write good/great/brilliant lyrics, but a few shine through having that extra touch of talent, people like Dave Mustaine (Megadeth), Nick Holmes (Paradise Lost), Dani Filth, Aaron Stainthorpe (My Dying Bride), Mikael Åkerfeldt (Opeth), and perhaps the best one of them all, Martin Walkyier (ex-Sabbat, Skyclad). I'm not a big fan of this guy's music, but man does he write lyrics.

From early years I saw the world
Through tunnel-vision eyes,
My cloistered mind philosophized
And fossilized,

Secure in my belief was I -
Assured throughout my life the
Only things that could sustain me
Were the words of Jesus Christ."

It's my fear that tears me down
But this night we'll have no tears
I want you. Beautiful gown
Take my hand. We'll have no tears
Kiss me deep. I want you now
In my arms, we'll have no fears

I sneak in my own house,
It's four in the morning,
I had too much to drink,
Said I was out with the boys,
I creep in my bedroom,
I slip into bed,
I know if I wake her,
I'll wake up dead,

I wonder, will she find out,
About the other, other lover,

Wake up dead, you die,
Wake up dead, and buried,
Wake up dead, you die,
Wake up dead.

Spatter the stars
Douse their luminosity
With our amniotic retch
Promulgating the birth
Of another Hell on Earth
Shadows gather poisoned henna for the flesh
A necrotic cattle brand
The hissing downfall pentagram
Carven deep upon the church doors of the damned
But no Passover is planned
A great renewal growls at hand
And only when they're running
Will they come to understand...

Breathing here, and the air is clear
Changes of which I could foresee

Violence caressing, impending distress
As my body lay sleeping, enternally bleeding, and...

Shallow despair, broken years years you cannot repair
Summonded here, and all must see the hypocrisy
Peed back the face, the sorry mind, a vacant space
Born deprived, the moods expired in reality

It was me, peering through the looking-glass.
Beyond the embrace of Christ.
Like the secret face within the tapestry.
Like a bird of prey over the crest.
And she was swathed in sorrow, as if born within its mask.
Her candlelight snuffed, the icon smiled.
Emptiness followed by her wake.
I could clasp her in undying love.
Within ghostlike rapture the final word was mine.
She faced me in awe. 'twas a token of ebony colour.
Embodied in faint vapour.
Wandering through April's fire.

"She's not the kind of girl you hear about
She'll never want another,
she'll never be without
She'll give you all the signs,
she'll tell you everything,
then turn around and walk away"

- from "Hallow Years", by Dream Theater

The lyrics themselves are nothing too brilliant, but I was able to identify strongly for reasons obvious beyond stating. (Sorry for inducing your vomit with DT lyrics, there, Satori.)

"Evelyn, a modified dog
Viewed the quivering fringe of a special doily
Draped across the piano, with some surprise

In the darkened room
where the chairs dismayed
and the horrible curtains
muffled the rain
She could hardly believe her eyes
A curious breeze
A garlic breath
Which sounded like a snore
Somewher near the Stienway (or even from within)
Had caused the doily fringe to waft and tremble in the gloom

Evelyn, a dog
having undergone further modification
Pondered the significance of short-person behaviour,
in pedal-depressed, panchromatic resonance
And other highly ambient domains...

'Arf', she said."

- "Evelyn, a Modified Dog", from One Size Fits All, by Frank Zappa

I just love and was quite influenced by the writing style, the witty surreality and the simple comedic principle of the conclusion. It always just struck me as being a REALLY REALLY cool lyric, and every one in awhile a feel a "Dadaistic" need to write something simply for the purposes of surreality, as exemplified by this song.
Megadeth - In my darkest hour...
Metallica - Dyers eve
Nevermore - Dreaming neon black
Meshuggah - Ritual
Days of the new - Whimsical:

I can see the orange sky in front of me,
I can see things you'll never see
...People say it's all a dream
But i can say words you couldn't speak.

Is it me?
can you beleive
You'll never live the world i live,
Is it me?
It is only me...
I can only live a world to live...

Break away from you,
Shattered beleifs
Detaching from my body
Desperate in greif
I have changed the world in front of me,
One against all...
I'm starving this world...
is from Savatage's Wake of Magellan, Morning Sun...

"No! No! Time doesn't wait for you.
No! No! Leave it alone.
No! No! Your days are far too few.
This thing I have always known.

When your time is up, it’s true,
they never give another day to you.

When your time is up, it’s through.
No one cares how...

Can't keep it!
Can't save it!
Can't take it away with you,
so I say we use it now."
New Model Army
in fact i could post nearly every lyrics of them
here are a few

(Sullivan) 1983

There's absolutely nothing on my mind
The television flickers in my eyes
Waiting, always waiting

Down at the bus station, doing time
We watch the world go passing by
Waiting, always waiting
It's all on tomorrow, don't worry today
Another year over but it's all okay
They told us of the Second Coming so we look to the sky
It's not a saviour we want, just someone else to crucify
Waiting, always waiting
But nothing happens, nothing ever happens
(Sullivan) 1986

When they look back at us and they write down their history
What will they say about our generation?
We're the ones who knew everything and still we did nothing
Harvested everything, planted nothing.
Well we live pretty well in the wake of the goldrush
Floating in comfort on waves of our apathy
Quietly gnawing away at Her body
Until we mortgage the future, bury our children
Storehouses full with the fruits we've been given
We send off the scrag-ends to suckle the starving
But still we can't feed this strange hunger inside
Greedy, restless and unsatisfied.

I was never much one for the great "Big Bang" theory
Going out in a blaze of suicidal glory
Not foolish and brave, these leaders of ours
Just stupid and petty, unworthy of power;
Just a little leak here and a small error there
Another square mile poisoned forever
A series of sad and pathetic little fizzles
And out go the lights, never to return.
The affair it is over, the passion is dead
She stares at us now with ice in Her eyes
But we turn away from these bitter reproaches
And take up distractions to forget what we're doing

I stand on these hills and I watch Her at night
A thousands square miles, a million orange lights
Wounded and scarred, She lies silent in pain
Raped and betrayed in the cold acid rain
And I wish and I wish
We could start over again
Yes I wish and I wish
We could win back Her love once again

p.s. for those interested, the whole set of 136 songs can be seen on
Nearly every word that Warrel Dane has written. Here are a few examples:

"The Heart Collector"

To see the actor without tears
Dark rivers carve the years between the lines of self control
In my psychotic karmic fear, I own your tears anyway
And I am you and we are not afraid

And we won't be here for long
The heart collector
sings his song that's slowly boiling over

Nevermore to feel the pain
The heart collector sang
And I won't be feeling hollow for so long
Nevermore to feel the pain
The words fall out like fire
Just believe when you can't believe anymore

The stage is empty now
I hope we hild and cannot allow
The corrupt eclectic takes his fatal blow

And we won't be here for long
The heart collector sings his song again

Nevermore to feel the pain
The heart collector sang
And I won't be feeling hollow for so long
Nevermore to feel the pain
The words fall out like fire
Just believe when you can't believe anymore

"Engines of Hate"

Can I be your personal demon
Sit back absorb the words
And feast on my mind's semen
Can I be the devil on your shoulder
We all fall down as the world gets colder

I uncreate, I desecrate
I spit the truth into the engines of hate

Can I be your chemical pariah
The world's such an ugly place
It seems useless sometimes trying
Will you watch the hate machine spin evil
Or will you look away and plead apathy again

I uncreate, I desecrate
I spit the truth into the engines of hate

We sing into the sky on the production line
We are the holy swine, impurity defined
You can't ignore us anymore
You cannot judge us anymore

The sheep are made to follow
Choke back the puke and swallow
The sheep are told to divide
The engines of hate still grind

I uncreate, I desecrate
I spit the truth into the engines of hate


The fallen that dreams suicide
Takes the needle, instead of the gun
The victim who self crucifies can't realize
Christ is a weapon that chisels at our lives
The martyr takes his aim and wounds the holy man
And on the eighth day God made the art of war
And laughing planned the end

Who will tend the garden when the snake swallows the light?
Who will eat the decay when the worms have lost their sight?
Who will rape the weak when there's nothing left to gain?
Who will till the soil of these barren black remains?

Deconstruction, deconstruction

Who will lick my wounds when they take away my speech?
Will you stand in line while the shepherd hunts his sheep?
Could you see tomorrow if I took away your eyes?
Can you crawl from under new age prophecy's despise?

Deconstruction, deconstruction

"The Sorrowed Man"

Take me away to the quiet place
Where the doors of perception open wide
Smiling faces greet me there
Loved and lost, lost inside
Take me away to the netherworld
Where we dance in the waves, the universe shines
The place that holds my beautiful dream
When I awake, I look to the sky and

Pray that I will live forever
The sorrowed man will not be me
Today I'll change my life forever
For what I've seen must surely be

Fly me away on the wings of a dove
To the temple of knowledge we can fly
Smiling inside, peace so clear
One with the all, one within mind
Fly me away to a better world
Where there's no more way and can be no shame
The place that holds the great mystery
When I awake I look to the sky and

Pray that I will live forever
The sorrowed man will not be me
Today I'll change my life forever
For what I've seen must surely be

Here I am, body and soul
Flesh and blood, on this stage I play my role
No, there's no time left for gazing at the sky
No, there's no time left, kiss the wind goodbye and

Pray that I will live forever
The sorrowed man will not be me
Today I'll change my life forever
For what I've seen must surely be
In the eyes of the sorrowed man....
some of the lyrics posted have been great! :)

i'm downloading a few of these songs just to see how the lyrics fit into the context of the songs themselves.

here are some more for those interested:

"when you cycled by
here began all my dreams
the saddest thing i've ever seen
and you never knew
how much i really liked you
because i never even told you
oh, and i meant to"

from "back to the old house" by the smiths. i love the honesty of this verse - a situation i think many people could identify with. back in my last year of high school, these words really hit home.

"a man will rise
a man will fall from the sheer face of love
like a fly from a wall
it's no secret at all"

this is from "the fly" by u2, one of my favourite tracks by one of my very favourite bands.

"but i'm feeling good
and if you don't exist
you're still one illusion
that i can't resist"

that's from "magdalena" by dEUS. i love the poetry of these lyrics. so, so evocative as well.
Originally posted by Wolff

What the fuck does this mean? Sounds like garbage to me.

Very closed minded! You would have to know a few things about ancient Rome and their traditions and stuff. In other words, he is comparing America to Rome. Rome was a Republic, but due to its corruption and lack of strength in governtment later on when it became an Empire, it fell apart. I don't particularly like Richard Simmons... I mean Dani Filth, but these lyrics do have meaning. Rhetoric is the art of speaking, which is another word for the art of politicians bullshitting people. Many Americans are also materialistic and greedy, much like the Romans.
Us, and them
And after all we're only ordinary men.
Me, and you.
God only knows it's not what we would choose to do.
Forward he cried from the rear
and the front rank died.
And the general sat and the lines on the map
moved from side to side.
Originally posted by Bacchus
I could go on all night... and the justification would take 25 years...

MEGADETH: In My Darkest Hour
In my hour of need
No, you're not there
And though I reached out for you
Wouldn't lend a hand
Through the darkest hour
Grace did not shine on me
Feels so cold, very cold
No one cares for me...

Time has a way of taking time
Loneliness is not only felt by fools
Alone I call to ease the pain
Yearning to be held by you
Alone, so alone i'm lost
Consumed by the pain
The pain, the pain, the pain
Won't you hold me again?
You just laughed "Ha! Ha!"
You bitch...

What is with the shitty Megadeth stuff? I apologize eternally if I offend you, but Mustaine is a pretty shitty writer. Megadeth itself was formed for the purpose of getting "revenge" with Metallica. All because he is a self-righteous little punk, Megadeth is also just an excuese for him to solo. And the solos aren't anything better than Kirk Hammets. Songs like A Tout Le Monde, and that shit, all they are are lame-ass power ballads. And we all know how gay power ballads are. I see you do have some good stuff on there like My Dying Bride, and I salute you. But Im My Darkest Hour is about some stupid whore who dumped him.
hehehe yea hes nothing but a blues maniac who can bring down fast notes...big deal anyone can bring fast notes on blues. I do think that Martin its way better ( not one of my favorites but better ) and about the reasons behind Megadeth....i dunno you could be onto something at first but by this point money, respect and fame are probably his motivations
As for Opeth lyrics, I was merely thinking of quotes and Åkerfeldt's lyrics have impressed me more as a whole and I have not given thought as to what section would have gripped me most. I love the lyrics he wrote to "Still life", as they portray a very good command of English, great imagery, a closely knit relation to the actual music, and most importantly a story. He has yet to better his achievement, and I really would love to see and hear that he has actually toiled on the lyrics, as is the case, without exception, with story albums.

So let us add the whole of "Still life" to my list. Read through the booklet for quotes..
Originally posted by Ihsahn

What is with the shitty Megadeth stuff? I apologize eternally if I offend you, but Mustaine is a pretty shitty writer. Megadeth itself was formed for the purpose of getting "revenge" with Metallica. All because he is a self-righteous little punk, Megadeth is also just an excuese for him to solo. And the solos aren't anything better than Kirk Hammets. Songs like A Tout Le Monde, and that shit, all they are are lame-ass power ballads. And we all know how gay power ballads are. I see you do have some good stuff on there like My Dying Bride, and I salute you.

WOW, there's no end to your infinite idiocy!

Originally posted by Ihsahn
But Im My Darkest Hour is about some stupid whore who dumped him.

So is To Bid You farewell you dumbfuck
Hush now baby, baby dont you cry.
Mama's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you.
Mama wont let anyone dirty get through.
Mama's gonna wait up until you get in.
Mama will always find out where you've been.
Mama's gonna keep baby healthy and clean.
Ooooh baby oooh baby oooh baby,
You'll always be baby to me.

Mother, did it need to be so high?

because my bestfriend's mom runs his life, this is one of his favorite songs.
I think the lyrics for the title track from My Dying Bride's latest, "The Dreadful Hours" was very good - a very dark lyric, as usual from Aaron.