Lyrics is Prologue?


Whipping Post
May 29, 2006
Just joined, had a few questions.
Did anyone else notice the "lyrics" for Prologue on
Go to the Discography section > My arms, your hearse > click on "Prologue".
There are lyrics listed there. There are none on any other site. Or on the track for that matter...

Also - "The Drapery Falls" 5:19-5:23, sounds like "deadly badgers made my wreath". Also, 6:48-6:52 sounds like "Possum in my shoe". In the album it does'nt sound like possum as much as it does in "Lamentations"
lol, it's not but I thought it was funny. Anyway, I'm a big Opeth fan so it's good to be a member. Cheers.
mike decided to write lyrics for prologue and epilogue because it is a concept album :)
in_my_time_of_disease said:
Just joined, had a few questions.
Did anyone else notice the "lyrics" for Prologue on
Go to the Discography section > My arms, your hearse > click on "Prologue".
There are lyrics listed there. There are none on any other site. Or on the track for that matter...

Mygod! Buy the record for christ sake! It's a kickass record and even
if you normally don't buy records this one is worth owning!

If you have the record you will understand the concept better aswell.

Support your heroes!
I have the album on CD, I dont have the album on me right now. I didnt remember seeing it in the booklet. Course i've got it, would be lost without it. In general you would't be much of a fan of a band if you didnt have their albums.
in_my_time_of_disease said:
I have the album on CD, but it's at my Dad's house and I'm at my Mum's. I didnt remember seeing it in the booklet. Course i've got it, would be lost without it. In general you would't be much of a fan of a band if you didnt have their albums.


i can't believe you have the original and never noticed the lyrics for the instrumental songs... the 1st thing i thought was simply you had downloaded the album from internet...
Yes, I should have mentioned that in the back of my mind I was thinking I should check the booklet. But I didnt have it on me at the time and didnt remember. I listen Opeth on my Ipod and computer way more than the CD, so i didnt realise. Always on the move.
Welcome to our happy family! Very close we are, and very warm and friendly all and everyone is to each other here.

Except towards Metal_Wrath. I don't like him at all.

Ps. Epilogue and Madrigal are also silent-with-lyrics, if memory serves.