lyrics- layout


Jan 14, 2002
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a part that both on RTC and NMF you need a magnifying lens to read the lyrics:) I was wondering if they are handwritten, well actually on RTC it seems 90% a font...but in case they are handwritten, I'd like to know who do you think has written them (or what's the name of the font), dunno but on their latest Cd they look "familiar"...
anyways I think the layout is really cool in this way!
it's a really fucking small font.

Look at different letters. if it was handwritten, you'd be able to tell slight differences bewteen the same letters, i.e. one 't' could be written at an angle while another would be straight.
Jinn said:
it's a really fucking small font.

Look at different letters. if it was handwritten, you'd be able to tell slight differences bewteen the same letters, i.e. one 't' could be written at an angle while another would be straight.
yep, on Resurrection through carnage it is 100% a font after a more accurate analysis, but it's more difficult to tell if it is also a font on NMF, the letters seem to have slighty differences from one another, or am I wrong?
Surely looks handwritten, its not very straight and almost all letters look different. UNLESS its some kind of advanced font that varies the letters and such... but i really doubt it :)