Lyrics Poetry


Carnis Lupus
Jan 5, 2002
Österreich - Austria
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Fjelltussa sugested to start a thread about our favorite lyrics and poems! so i though i would start!;)

well, i'll begin with some empyrium stuff i really love. it's from "where at night the woud grouse plays"! very dark and kind of a fairytale:

"The shepherd and the maiden ghost"

't was an eve in late summer, autumn was nigh
still a warm sun did colour the sky
The meadows did shine in a strange golden light
and vales did forth the soft haze of night

When through the air a voice did resound
beckoning the shepherd to rise from the ground

The shepherd:
'What sweet voice does sing in such a woebegone tone?
What maiden does wander the heather alone?'

Bewitched by its tone, he followed her song,
whilst the sun did descend and the shadows grew long
In the dim light of dusk, near the sparkling cascade
on a moss covered stone sat a crying young maid

The shepherd:
'Why art thou dreary? What happened to thee?
What song didst thou sing so woefully?'

The maiden:
'Go whither O shepherd! Don't sadden thine heart
Thou canst not help me - not thou who thou art!
An old man who's been born in a cradle of wood
of a tree that at least a hundred years stood,
cut by a boy who at heart was still pure -
might be my redeemer if he knew that he could...

now you!:D
I will post the complete lyric of NOBELE BAZEN soon. I will translate it into Englisch so all people here know where there lyrics are about.:D :D
well , i don't really like poetic lyrics honestly i prefer more raw and "as it comes out" stuff. but
theres one friend of mine (which is also a fucking UM member) that is a big fan of these and write a lot of poetic stuff for his symphonic/gothic metal band ! maybe oceanbard , you could just post the lyrics of one of your song here ? :)
My world is surrounded
with chaos in motion
I can't get a grip on anything
I drift like a leaf in the wind
a fallen feather in a void

Sometimes so empty
there's no reason to be sad

Another day, the same sun
Nothing new has begun
No god of change in my grasp
the same moon, seems to laugh
I gaze long and birth a smile.....
@leadfoot256 and fleischwolf: that is beautiful

This is the whole of my signature. The poem (or actually it's a song) is from a nor. movie called Sigurd Drakedreper. A girl called The raven girl (Ravnejenta) reads it...

Nattsvart sol og måneild
Vinterblomst på sommersne
Fugl i jord og fisk i lufta
Gnistreregn i flammesjø
Huldretusser, troll og riser
Gi meg trolldomsmakt

Traslation follows...:

>Night black sun and moon fire
>Winterflower on summersnow
>Bird in earth and fish in the air
>Sparkling rain in flame lake
>Huldretusser, troll and riser (=different creatures)
>Give me magic power
In honour of Fjelltussa & Fleischwolf ;)

Wolf & the Devil

Ulvens Billeder hafver eengang
Til Hex & Diefvels Stolthed tienet -
Om Gudstroe vidnet, mørck men mæcktig -
Ja med Grenser viide som dend Verden dend là øde

Satan skabede det som for deris Bilk
Blifver ofverjordisk - Han er slik,
Een Mand i Ulveham

Self Vinden er een Tiener i hans Haand
Oc Eevigheden - hans gaadefulde Aand

Paa ham een Stoorhed som een Krone Pan fordum bar
Han hungrer giennem Eevighed -
Sinnker om han grim & sort
Een Tragoedie kund for dend som veed

Han tager sig frem baade Nat & Dag
I et eevig, dødstrett Jag

...Oc dend stoore, tridste Eensomhed
Vild øfve giengiærd for dend tabte Kiaerlighed -
I Had!


The images of Wolf once served
The Pride of Witch and Devil -
Witnessed a dark, yet mightie Faith -
With boundaries wide as the world it layd waste

Satan did create
What to their eyne Celestial is -
And so he is
A man in Wolfskin clad

To his hands, e'en the Wind is Servant
And Eternitie - his enigmatick Spirit :D

Around him a Majestie
like Pan his Crowne of olde
He hungers through Eternitie -
Immersed in a Tragedie dark and colde
Knowne onlie to the Initiated

Through Day and Night he moves
In an eternall, wearie chase

...And this Solitude so greate and sad
Will Vengeance seek for Love long lost
Through Hatred!
found another text i really like! this is from the german band wolfsheim( :D ). it's writen in a very poetic style, so it's allmost impossible (at least for me) to translate it to english properly! maybe opacity can do it better! it's called "übers jahr"(over the year):

spuren im schnee führen an dir vorüber
frostklare winde im mondenschein
endlose stunden voll gläsernem schweigen
wachst du beharrlich in tiefer nacht

>footprints in the snow, lead towards you,
>icecold winds in the light of the moon,
>endless hours of silence made of glass
>you keep awake through the dept of the night

bricht dann die stille
zerfließt ein verschlafenes, karges verlangen
leise verweht sich der nebel
endlich voller licht die welt

>when the silence finally breaks
>your sleepy, meagre desire melts away
>quietly the mist dissolves
>finally the world is filled with light

tiefgrüne wiesen, schattenkühle wälder
blühen in der gunst des sonnenspiels
reifende ähren in wiegendem tanze
flüstern ihre weisen dem winde zu

>green meadows, woods of soothing shadows
>blooming under the goodwill of the suns warm shine
>riping ears of corn wisper their fairytales to the wind
>while they dance under his touch

bricht dann die stille
neuerlich hernieder, mit diesigem hauche...
leise erhebt sich der nebel
schließlich tritt die nacht in die welt

>and when the silence breaks again,
>with hazy breath
>quietly the mist rises
>finally night steps into the world

wieder sind da spuren
im schnee bei den bäumen
der mond steht alleine
in kalter nacht

>again there are footprints
>in the snow near the trees
>the moon stands in solitude
>in the cold night

es ist eine stille
ganz tiefe ruhe
allmächtiges schlafen
leise verliert sich das leben
wartet auf den neuen tag

>it is a total silence
>perfect peace
>allmighty sleep
>silently life decays
>and waits for the new day
@leadfoot256 and fleischwolf: that is beautiful

Thank you very much:)

And thanks for sharing the Wolfsheim song...I loved it.

here's another....

Daylight is gone, for now
and I feel better
Confidence moves in, for now
and I feel better

The brighter side of me is revealed
through the darkness that inherits the stars
and gives life to the fire, that warms my heart

The nights alluring visions
seduce my spiritual submission
My way to heaven shall be
an infinte dream of this nights mood.

...sorry that one is kind of old.