Lyrics that you can associate with..


Jul 24, 2002
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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One of my favorite bands is Stabbing Westward, when i'm depressed i usually listen to them and I often see myself in their songs, I completely connect with what they are saying Especially on their record Darkest Days. I mean it could of been me writing this, thats how much it connects:

- Snipet Song Darkest Days -
"There are times when I'm just a shell
When I do not feel anything for anyone
All I feel is hollow and bruised
Used up and misused
Forced to be someone I don't want to be
Have I failed somehow or some way
Will the weight of today finally pull me down to drown
In the depths of despair
Where I am alone
Except for my rage "

Another song "How Can I hold On"

"I thought you were my friend
That you were someone that I could turn to
Now I realize
That you were a friend when you needed something "

These wonderful lyrics just makes me realize or reminds me, that i am not the only one who lives these things and it's just a slump.
Has any Lyrics affected you this way? if so, and if you'd like to, share them with the rest of us please do so!
I've had lyrics affect me personally since, hmm, listening to Yngwie Malmsteen way back in my married days in the mid 80s. I can pretty much chronicle my life with music, so there's far too much to share here..
You got a lotta nerve
To say you are my friend
When I was down
You just stood there grinning

You got a lotta nerve
To say you gota helping hand to lend
You just want to be on
The side that's winning

You say I let you down
You know it's not like that
If you're so hurt
Why then don't you show it

You say you lost your faith
But that's not where it's at
You had no faith to lose
And you know it

I know the reason
That you talk behind my back
I used to be among the crowd
You're in with

Do you take me for such a fool
To think I'd make contact
With the one who tries to hide
What he don't know to begin with

You see me on the street
You always act surprised
You say, "How are you?" "Good luck"
But you don't mean it

When you know as well as me
You'd rather see me paralyzed
Why don't you just come out once
And scream it

No, I do not feel that good
When I see the heartbreaks you embrace
If I was a master thief
Perhaps I'd rob them

And now I know you're dissatisfied
With your position and your place
Don't you understand
It's not my problem

I wish that for just one time
You could stand inside my shoes
And just for that one moment
I could be you

Yes, I wish that for just one time
You could stand inside my shoes
You'd know what a drag it is
To see you

Bob Dylan, Positively Fourth Street
the greatest kiss-off song ever!!! bitter, bitter bitter!
The bob dylan song you posted pretty much goes along the lines
of the stabbing westward snipet i posted

"I thought you were my friend
That you were someone that I could turn to
Now I realize
That you were a friend when you needed something"

The Bob Dylan one though is really cool, it's like &*() you but done with class! :grin:
Hey very good topic :)

Well the first song that comes to mind is Creed's Torn (don't flame me :lol: haha) I was very down at the time I heard that song and it touched me very deep, I didn't had any self confidence, a friend of mine died and other close relatives. I was very depressive and I had frecuent episodes (especially at night) where I felt literaly trapped inside four walls, it was the worse feeling i've ever had.

Other songs that I can relate to are:

Symphony X-Awakenings
Atrocity-Fatal Step
Darkane-Innocence Gone
Death-1000 Eyes

and many more that I can't remember right now :grin:
When I feel what I`m alone in the world..... and what I have lost the sense of life..... I obtain inspiration of hate from this song.....
Band- Dawn
Song- Falcula

A downward spiral of misery, pain and defeat
A life in ruins. Promises made. But only deceit.
Face down. Always spat on, hated, despised
Pure human waste
No hope...No future

The claws of depravity sinks deeper
as you're pushed from society
The searh for "a life" is no longer an option
Backs turned. Friends forget
Now place your final bet

Please cross my path and feel my wrath
Deserving victim, now feel the aftermath
Now meet youre doom
...Here is your tomb

Don't ask why
Why do I critizise?
You're all that I despise
Now see the rage in my eyes

I am your judge
this is your trial, no sense in denial

I am your judge
youre sentence is death
Inhale the led on your vay last breath

Your executioner, that is I
Say your prayers... now you die

Don't ask why
Why do I critizise?
You're all that I despise
Now see the rage in my eyes

I wish you could live through me
And feel the way I feel
And daily confront your fears
Never shed a single tear
It's always been like this

The world fears my labour
None understands (that) I've done them a favour
If I could - mass genocide
None spared - None left alive
But it's all to far away
Originally posted by Ultimate_Symphony
Hey very good topic :)

Well the first song that comes to mind is Creed's Torn (don't flame me :lol: haha) I was very down at the time I heard that song and it touched me very deep, I didn't had any self confidence, a friend of mine died and other close relatives. I was very depressive and I had frecuent episodes (especially at night) where I felt literaly trapped inside four walls, it was the worse feeling i've ever had.

Other songs that I can relate to are:

Symphony X-Awakenings
Atrocity-Fatal Step
Darkane-Innocence Gone
Death-1000 Eyes

and many more that I can't remember right now :grin:

I used to like creed, now i think they're just okay, anything from their first record was pretty good and another song of theirs that makes you think alot is the Song "What's This Life For?".
Originally posted by grandbazaar
I used to like creed, now i think they're just okay, anything from their first record was pretty good and another song of theirs that makes you think alot is the Song "What's This Life For?".

Yes indeed, I still listen to the first album and at the time I could relate totally to their lyrics (Torn,MOP,Ode,What This Life For?especially) :spin:
For a long time I didn't ever really pay any notice to lyrics, I just listened to the instruments and the vocal melody.
But recently I have become a little more interested in lyrics.

In such a huge music world, more often than not, lyrics are trite and cliched, only appealing on a personal level. But I do think Pain of Salvation's lyrics are fantastic, and one song that has special meaning for me, and maybe I even associate with the lyrics of, is This Heart of Mine. Here's my favourite part:

I believe this heart of mine when it tells my eyes that this is beauty
I believe this heart of mine when it tells my mind that this is reason
I believe this heart of mine when it cries at time that this is forever
I believe this heart of mine when it tells the skies that this is the face of God

Although they might seem fairly standard, they hold quite a lot for me (on a personal level), and the 2nd line is fantastic. Being somewhat of an empricist, it's a nice way of saying to let go of science for a while, especially where relationships are concerned.
lots of times lyrics look stupid on their own, but take on new dimensions when placed in the music, and how they are sung. that dylan song, for instance, the music is pretty simple, mid 60s stuff, but he sings the song in a way that you can virtually feel the disdain for that person in every word.
he's not much of a singer, but he puts more emotion and feeling into his classic songs than many people with far more natural ability.
My post wasn't meant as a jibe at anyone's choice. I was just trying to put my choice in context.
A friend of mine likes Dylan's lyrics, and he's widely recognised as a good lyricist. I just can't stand his music or his nasal voice, but I am a musically snobby son of a bitch (he says whilst listening to Depeche Mode :loco: ).

I'm not even sure if I know what makes lyrics good.
People like Eminem and lots of hip hop/rappers are credited with being "modern poets" or some title which tries to bestow intellectual property upon them, just 'cause they mention "the real world" of working class or poverty stricken people. I don't think that's particularly hard or worthy of praise. Writing about what you know isn't enough, you've got to express something worthy of listening to, in a way which is more communicative than just talking about it.
I do think, however, that too many people think just because they like something, it's good in an objective way, i.e pick any band on the UM forum and you'll find their fans saying "so and so is a great player".

Anyhow, I'm ranting on...
Originally posted by Ultima Ibanez Overlord
My post wasn't meant as a jibe at anyone's choice. I was just trying to put my choice in context.

I do think, however, that too many people think just because they like something, it's good in an objective way, i.e pick any band on the UM forum and you'll find their fans saying "so and so is a great player".

I took no offense, I thought you were speaking in general...

your second point, absolutely true. it's all about personal perspective and opinion.
one of my all time favorite little dittys is this song by the Mr. T Experience, simply vocals and accoustic guitar.

I still haven't found a girlfriend,
Though i've tried a lot.
So, can you help me please,
It's tougher than i thought.

The odds are pretty good,
but the goods are pretty odd.
Though at this point,
I'll take anything you've got.

I see this all the time,
Nice girls in love with jerks,
What could they be thinking?
Tell me how it works.

If i got some problems,
Well i wouldn't be the first.
But the ones I have in mind are even worse.

And even Hitler had a girlfriend,
Who he could always call,
That would always be there for him
In spite of all his faults
He was the worst guy ever.
reviled and despised,
Even Hitler had a girlfriend
So why can't I?
Why can't I?

Life is full of contradictions
Hard to understand
And for every happy woman,
There's a lonely man

Nixon had his puppy.
Charles Manson had his clan
God forbid that i get a girlfriend.

Even Hitler had a girlfriend
Who he could call his own,
To sweeten days of bitterness,
and feeling all alone

I'm not as bad as Hitler,
But that doesn't mean a thing,
Since they'd rather be with Hitler, more than me
I don't see, why they'd rather be with Hitler,
more than me.
Originally posted by lizard
Jax, have you heard that sound file of Yngwie on the airplane after some woman dumped water on his head?
"You've unleashed the fooking fuuurrrry!":lol:

Yeah, isn't that freakin hilarious? Funny part is, that actually happened when Joe Lynn Turner was his singer..not quite sure why it surfaced now, but it's definitely good for some laughs!

Dig this, a couple of guys I know from Portnoy's forum put parts of the Yngwie thing together with guitar & drums..