Lyrics that you like?

Any particular song lyrics or whole songs that just lyrically blow you away?
In Metal a lot of people don't even pay much attention to them but at the same time there are many who really find a lot to be said in the world of Heavy Metal, a lot more too than say CANNIBAL CORPSE'S " Fucked with a Knife".:lol:
SENTENCED is one band that writes amazing lyrics in my opinion. Check out their song "Fragile" off the Crimson album, great lyrics.
Also a personal favorite are NEVERMORE's. Warrel Dane has a way with words:

"Hey, just what have you become
With a cash vindication
Do you think that buys salvation's end?
Do you see through me?
I'm the plastic face on you screen
Mind control

They say that we're in the final days
Religion is power
Because most of us feel like rats in a maze
Do you worship me?
I'm a bastard saint, I'm a sycophant
A parasite that lives for just one goal
Mind control

Send your money to Jesus Christ
Mail order your eternal life
Bend your mind, make you turn around
Don't believe it when they tell you
That eveng god needs money
God needs money from you

Shame can't even make them learn
They feed off the weak
And if there's a hell they're gonna burn
On your screen they worship me
I'm a bastard saint, I'm a sycophant
A parasite that lives for just one goal
Mind control

Hey, just what have you become
With a cash vindication
Do you think thy buys salvation's end?
Do you see worship me?
I'm a bastard saint of the color green"
Godmoney - S/T
Century Media, 1995

"My perfect reflection swims
through the drowning pool. The sky is gone.
My world is in deconstruction"

The fallen that dreams suicide
Takes the needle, instead of the gun
The victim who self crucifies can't realize
Christ is a weapon that chisels at our lives
The martyr takes his aim and wounds the holy man
And on the eighth day God made the art of war
And laughing planned the end

Who will tend the garden when the snake swallows the light?
Who will eat the decay when the worms have lost their sight?
Who will rape the weak when there's nothing left to gain?
Who will till the soil of these barren black remains?

Deconstruction, deconstruction

Who will lick my wounds when they take away my speech?
Will you stand in line while the shepherd hunts his sheep?
Could you see tomorrow if I took away your eyes?
Can you crawl from under new age prophecy's despise?

Deconstruction, deconstruction

Deconstruct my reality and let me slip away, I am the dog

Who will tend the garden when the snake swallows the light?
Who will eat the decay when the worms have lost their sight?
Who will rape the weak when there's nothing left to gain?
Who will till the soil of these barren black remains?

Deconstruction, deconstruction
Deconstruction, deconstruction

Our world is in deconstruction
Our world"
Deconstruction - Dreaming Neon Black
1998 Century Media

Now post yours.:kickass:
Amen Dave dude. If you ask me, lyrics are just as important as music - after all, what's the difference between a shitty Britney Spears pop song about the same old wornout soppy bullshit and a shitty Six Feet Under song about the same old wornout "br00dal" bullshit?

Our Dying Island said:

I woke from my daydream - discovered my nightmare was real,
At the altar of progress, to gods of ambition we kneel,
Our database deities - they cannot save us,
Microchip miracles only enslave us.
The high priests of high finance claim that their actions are wise--
But our planet still dies...
It dies for the want of more people who care 'bout the poisons we pump in the seas and the air,
Yet blissfully ignorant--still unaware,
We strive for a future entwined with despair.
You say, "Why waste concern on the rivers and trees--they belong to
mankind to exploit as we please?"
Face up to the fact that mankind's a disease--irrelevant microbes
with colour T.V.s.
Tell me just what kind of fools would laugh and stare death in the face?
Only to worst kind of fools (like you and I--the human race).
If we laugh for long enough it could well be our epitaph,
Mother Earth will laugh the loudest--She will have the final laugh.

Perilous Nation said:

Bold is the one who dares to say what he feels
Renegation man, to one he yields
The bleeding hearts and empty minds, hiding words they fear
Blind is the one who censors what we see and hear
Come into my world and take a journey with me
Paint me a portrait now, of the things you see

Men are poor and lost in war of ideology
No solution will prevail unless we can be
Free on anger, free of pain
Free of hatred that we obtain
Tell me what this place was meant to be

Can you see? Can you see what it does to me?
Can you hear? Can you red?
Can you see what it did to me!

Totalitarians in a Perilous Nation
Forcing through control turns, to desolation
Listen to the leader speak, he's your only friend
Take a stand in the motherland, take it to the end

Say now what you will, before they make it illegal
Time to draw the line, between the bad and the evil
Distant times had friendly rules, became its deadliest foe
We have heard it all before, the morals come and go

And last but not least, possibly the best set of lyrics in all metaldom...

Mountains said:

So tall, silent against the sky,
Up through the clouds, where eagles fly,
Wind and rain beat down on one so strong,
They cut but never change, what stood so long.

Tall as a mountain,
I'm gonna tear through the sky,
Life's for the taking.
Like a man is a mountainside,
Greatness waits for those who try,
None can teach you, it's all inside -
Just climb...

I am in the ground, I am in the air,
I am all, I live in the hearts of men.
I am the call to greatness
Not all can hear.
I awaken the creator in those who dare.
...And the day will come when we all must die,
And enter the mountainside.

Tall as a mountain,
I'm gonna tear through the sky,
Life's for the taking.
Like a man is a mountainside,
Greatness waits for those who try,
None can teach you, it's all inside -
Just climb...

I have no fear,
Death and glory - both draw near.
Like a man is a mountainside,
Greatness waits for those who try,
None can teach you, it's all inside -
Just climb...
Joey does write some cool lyrics.
But John Arch is the king of lyric writing.

Guardian - Fates Warning

These walls are stained engraved with pain
You will find them under shadows casting shame
Some it's all they'll ever know,
Angels of the fortunate sons come and go...
You may not
Entities pass in the night Guardians and the
Reaper fight the will to live shall win
Mares of hope ride through their dreams blinding light awakens sleeping dawn it seems
It was all a dream endless dream

I will wish upon a star I believe in you
And if my will has strayed afar I rememebered you
Will you remember me
I the one you sentenced Pennance unabsolved
Answer me save my will have you forgotten me

Pace the hallway blindman for a million miles of stars
His mind has seen. think you may he lives in darkness
We're the dark he's seen the light of dream
Karen's been asleep forever I know she hears me
She has so much to say, Machine shoots sparks through face
Unto my hand, unto my heart

I'm a fire without a flame helpless child without a name
With broken wings catch me I'm falling
I'm a question with no answer
Who are you that takes my life away from me
Unveil the bondaries of the black

I had a dream I was you strong as the fire
In your veins then when I called out your
Name I would remain and witness the pain
I am beyond silent black I will be back
As your guardian

Angels in white you have sacrificed witness and bury the pain
Walk hand and hand with the fear stricken child
Strengthen the weak and the lame pillar of pennance and lore
Perpetual journey into the realm the sovereign servitor
One of my favourites:

Symhonaire Infernus Et Spera Empyrium, MY DYING BRIDE.

The destroying genius of idols
Will shroud the world with utter lies
Dance the cobbles, his abode named Dis
Portraits have spoken their masters distress
Icons with kisses, tell me who have seen this
Failing Enochian tapestries
Depict the prince of fallen virtues
In almost poetic rhapsody
Masterbate to the sound of the knell
The Patchetic stench of dying children
Perhaps our fall is certain
Limbs entwined in absolute contoursion

Please put off your veil
Your heart is blameless
And I shudder for knowing it

A hot May makes a fat churchyard
And Lychfowel breed in chaotic frenzy
Her cry was the saddest of all earths sounds
Trauma bites hard the hearts of Kin
Swept away by a moments sadness
They say rage is a brief madness
By way of the beloveds farewell
Give back to nature what we first did take
And monuments would slowly fill
The agendas' of Kings and Queens
In silence our faces bleed
The holy voice torn away by the gale

Make yourself all honey and the flies will devour you

Love is a game where both players cheat
Gone is the tale of Hero and Leander
Women are angels yet wedlock's the devil
To have and to hold but death no longer parts
Harlots and sluts, whores of our world
Expose their stinking vaginas'
Many who have no will of their own
Hold their souls towards the sinister bloom
Are you rich oh lord of vanity
As you peddle your wears of cruelty
Dressed up so you look the part
So blind, it's ignorance you wear

Quite brutal beyond belief
Sores that weep their septic tears
Dragged out through war torn lifetimes
And death shall feast on us all
The mills of God grind slowly
The adorable light of that which is most divine

The fascination of her shape
With mansions of awe and splendour
Elegant in simplicity
So at last your faith rewards you
Through fields enriched with pastel shade
And fragrant lavenders soft to smell
You laugh and drink wine of no great age
Nature does scent the farthest shores
Face to face your angelic host
All hopes in you imperishably kept
Is God your wish and all your dreams
If your body is frail then yes by all means

Make yourself all honey and the flies will devour you
The best lyrics ever, and personal favourite of mine...


If you squeeze my lizard
I'll put my snake on you
I'm a romantic adventure
And I'm a reptile too

But it don't make no difference
Cos I ain't gonna be
The only time I'm easy is when I'm

Killed by death
Killed by death
Killed by death

I'm a lone wolf lizard
But I ain't no prettyboy
I'm a backbone shiver
And I'm a bundle of joy

But it don't make no difference
Cos I aint gonna be
The only time I'm easy is when I'm

Killed by death
Killed by death
Killed by death

Shut up

Killed by death
Killed by death
Killed by death

By death
By death
By death
By death
By death
By death
Killed by death

Motorhead-Killed by Death
Kevin Moore is the undisputed king of musical poetry in my books. Some of his works like "Undertow" and "Another Permanent Address" are understated brilliance which only really come into their own when combined with the music and there are countless shorter gems ("I was thinking we could walk on the water/And still find reasons to swim inside") but the pinnacle of his brilliance for me is easily "On The Page".

Tell me something stupid
Auction off my diary
Life is getting esoteric
Let me in your movie
Each time I walk out the door
Someone mixes metaphors
Life is so much cleaner on the page

It's like the morning when I'm dreaming
And everything is so pristine
It's just a seven hour movie
And I'm in every scene

Let me in my TV
Get this tape to Tori
Got to have a subplot
When I sell them my life story
Maybe I should write it first
And do the living later
'Cause life is so much cleaner on the page

It's like the time I lost my body
And then I saw it on t.v.
Somehow it shed a whole dimension
But it still looked like me
(Hey! that looks like me!)

Each time I write lines for it
Someone improvises it
Life is so much cleaner on the page
Life is so much cleaner on the page

While I find Gildenlow's political motifs disappointing more often than not he is still a brilliant lyricist overall and I think there is no better example than "Trace of Blood". Despite the subject matter being deeply personal and sensitive he manages to produce something which is sincere without being depressing, if not bordering on paradoxically up-beat at times if one were to listen to the music and vocal melodies without paying too much attention to the actual lyrics.

Touching ground
Going home to those I miss
Safe and sound
Weeks of exile turn to bliss

But there's something in her voice
When she is calling me
A trace of blood to lead me through roads of agony

With blood taste in my mouth
And clouds before my eyes
I kneel beside the bed where my bleeding dryad lies

Three young souls in misery

Hitting ground
Nausea wakes me up at dawn
Hopes are found
Dissected, turned and then

A chair of steel and wire
Her legs are open wide
Helpless in myself I stand there cold beside

The doctors stay away
Leave us with this dismay
To see the colours of a miracle fade and turn to gray

Then a cry and rivers of blood
Flow so sadly bringing you
Our dreams pour into a cold tray
Two young souls in misery
Missing you

"How quickly the colors change
From blue to red to black
And why am I always away
Wrapped up in something
Unable to live with all this love
I ask of the world to leave
To be silent and pretend
That it never happened"

I never knew your name
But I will miss you just the same
I was to live for you I lost the will
To live at all the day you came

It'll never be the same
But I will love you just the same
You were to be the first, how wonderful
Now I will always fear to hope again

The irony
Of seeing me whispering through her skin
So joyfully
To our child there deep within

Or of when she called to me
To tell me cheerfully
That she had seen your shape on a hospital screen

And of nurses being concerned
That you never moved or turned
Too late we see the warnings, too late we learn

I never saw your face
And now you're gone without a trace
Except the trace of blood that's deeply scarred
Into my eyes to fill your place

It'll never be the same
But I will love you just the same
I was prepared to be your father
How can I ever prepare for that again?

Still I follow that trace of blood
Always leading back to you
Hollow years of damming that flood
Two young souls in misery

Missing you... missing you...
Lyrics that send a shiver down my spine evertime i play this song.
And the music compliments it perfectly!:worship:

Lyrics "No One There" - Sentenced

The axe, the bottle and the rope
The feeling there really is no more hope
The thought of the great unknown
And facing it alone
The dark, the silent and the cold
The feeling I have come to the end of my road
Yes, these are the things I spend
My remaining moments with

And the wind blows through my heart
Shivers me one last time
As I now reach out in the dark
No one there

Why did it have to be so hard
For us to live our lives
Again I reach out in the dark in despair

The desperation and the snow
The feeling of finally coming back home
The melancholy and the hole in the soil so hard and cold

And the wind blows through my heart
Shivers me one last time
As I now reach out in the dark
No one there

Your love for me, my love for you
Things we somehow managed to lose
Now there´s only the ruthless wind
To blow right through
It freezes my heart, my desperate heart
It freezes my heart, my desperate heart
It freezes my heart, my desperate heart
To think we both will die alone

And the wind blows through my heart
Shivers me one last time
As I now reach out in the dark
No one there
Fuck, i really like this one SCORPIONS song.... what was it.... BRB!

Edit: Here it is, the lyrics from Scorpions - No One Like You. Fucking kick arse song with mad tunes and a simple but awesome drum beat! Fuck yeah! Love the chorus!

Music: Rudolf Schenker
Lyrics: Klaus Meine

Girl, it's been a long time that we've been apart
Much too long for a man who needs love
I miss you since I've been away
Babe, it wasn't easy to leave you alone
It's getting harder each time that I go
If I had the choice, I would stay

There's no one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you
I imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you

No one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you
I imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you

Girl, there are really no words strong enough
To describe all my longing for love
I don't want my feelings restrained
Ooh, babe, I just need you like never before
Just imagine you'd come through this door
You'd take all my sorrow away

There's no one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you
I imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you

No one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you
I imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you

No one like you
Death - Low Life

Those who are a waste of life
Use up air that others could breathe
Human leaches all around
Looking superion is what they believe

Fake is the word you represent
Your existence on earthj I resent
At the cost of others you get by
Each word that you speak is a lie

Low life - That's all you'll ever be
Lies in effect - That's what you like to see

Hiding behind material values
That help cover up your weakness
Never to change, always to look
For an easy way out of life

A pathetic excuse for a human being

Nothing to back you up, never giving second thought
Thinking you fool the world, into seeing something you are not

Fake is the word you represent
Your existence on earthj I resent
At the cost of others you get by
Each word that you speak is a lie

Low life - That's all you'll ever be
Lies in effect - That's what you like to see
I Like this one because it touches me very much. So much sometimes i can get tears in my eyes.

"Nothing Else Matters" - Metallica

So close no matter how far
Couldnt be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I dont just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

So close no matter how far
Couldnt be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I dont just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know

So close no matter how far
Couldnt be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No nothing else matters
In Union We Stand

From the islands to the cities, from the ports into the sea.
We are strong, we will always be...
Blazing through the wreckage, burning all we see...
The life we lead, committed to be free...
Our union is a fortress!
Together we are bound.
A common bound in freedom, and in sound!!!
So raise your voices high!
For miles around to hear.
Let them know, we are drawing near...

In union we stand,
As they! blaze across the land!!!
In union, we make a final stand...

A peaceful co-existance, is droping out of sight.
So band together, together we will fight.
Blasting the resistance, marching to the top.
They started this, we say when it stops.
Strike fear within their hearts!
Strike down those in your way.
Let them know, that we live, today!!!
They throw us into flames,
Did not hear our cries.
But now, from the ashes we arise...

Like a lyric from my holy bible rather than just words from a song!:lol:
I'm sooo METAL!!!:headbang:
I Like this one because it touches me very much. So much sometimes i can get tears in my eyes.

"Nothing Else Matters" - Metallica

I quite like this little ditty.

Reverend Bizarre - Doom Over the World

Infernal vision I saw, out from the darkness it came to me
Angel in appalling form revealing how the forthcoming days will be
Her voice was hollow and calm as she told me of things that would soon be here
Words full of chaos and death filling my mind with a constant fear

There will be a gigantic war, the greater part of the world shall be perished
Armies of evil and good prepare to meet each other again
And there I can see myself holding a sword with a blade so black
Other side, there stands thousands of men, all we have is just a handful of puritans

Doom over the world
eternal will be our mission.
Doom over the world!

Corpses are hanging from walls, impaled with spears of destiny
One more time hammers have been raised to crush the skulls of heretics
The aftermath of battle, silent descents, the field is covered with dying men
Strongholds are burning to ashes, all that is left is this handful of puritans
Blood Duster - Fruity Relationships

I was the first to place fruit in your bits
A rock solid love with vegetables and shit
It started one night when we where alone
Naked and bored the fridge light was on.

With bananas n' others inserted in the night
The fruit of our labors the time it was ripe

Hey Mr Apparition, i saw a guy on Sat night at the Lewisham with a REVEREND BIZZARE shirt on!
He prob would have been your new best friend for the night had you have been there.
Oh and Stodgewallet was also present!:worship:
Shame on this Reverend Bizarre shirt wearing guy for not attending the stoner/doom gig at the Annandale to see Pod People and Looking Glass!

:lol: at Stojwallet.
Exodus - Bonded by Blood (album)
Exodus - Tempo of the damned (album)

Brutal lyrics, but are sorta believable.. None of this gutting someone and jizzing on their guts.

And Municipal Waste have some killer drinking thrash anthems.
I'm a big fan of Katatonia's lyrics, they're pretty creative!


I have no name my face a blur
I speak only to answer them
White noise becomes a voice
I hear it constantly

I dare not break the circuit
I rest only for a short time
This time I promise I won't give up

I have no right to let go
I have no right to do so

My vision now is incomplete
I am affected by the warmth
A change of tone unusual sound
Is this the time to decline

They control the circuit
Embodiment of what I've done
If I waver from this circle
A second pass and then I'm found
But he who walks behind me
He once saw the morning sun