Redemption lyrics that have profoundly affected you


New Metal Member
Sep 18, 2012
So, I've been thinking about what Bamafan said in another thread about being at the ProgPower show and hearing a handful of fans each mention a different song that deeply touches them and often "opens the floodgates" and chokes them up, etc. So I'm curious what song(s), or more specifically what lyrics in those song(s), most deeply touches you or made you look at life differently, etc.

For me, the first Redemption album I heard was Snowfall on Judgment Day, and the song lyrics that most immediately grabbed me were "What Will You Say?" That's such an incredible thought to reflect upon people you dated/loved and wonder how they describe you to new boyfriends/girlfriends/lovers. We all do it. When we date new people, we'll summarize our past relationships in a few sentences. It made me shutter to think of how some past girls might describe me. That was probably the first song that really rattled the whole way I look at things and made me want to act better and be a better person.

On This Mortal Coil, the song "Perfect" is the standout track for me lyrically. It kinda gets lost in the shuffle because the album has some heavy-hitting songs, but these lyrics really affect me. "Don't let a fantasy keep you from being free... We all dream of all how things could be, but the wise make peace with reality." Those lyrics sum me up well. I would often pity myself and dream about the day when everything would finally click and life would be "perfect." But life will never be totally perfect. We need to appreciate the good things and learn to embrace the blessings we have.

Those are just two songs with lyrics that have profoundly affected me. There are others. How about you guys?
There are so many truely moving lyrics across all of Redemption's songs. The lyrics that have meant the most to me personally are the 'chorus' from Memory:

I don't want the ignorance that a spotless mind would bring
But I'm scared my dying breath will be your name.

I think that line (and indeed the whole song) perfectly captures the mix of emotions I went through when I split up with my girlfriend.

I also like this from TFOT IV

The point of the search, may not be the answer
The value of a want, is not always a need

I find it quite uplifting when I'm feeling down that maybe I'm looking at things the wrong way or being unrealistic.

Special mention also goes out to the first half of Departure of the Pale Horse. So many songs dealing with the prospect of death resort to cliches and over-the-top feelings. DotPH represents how I think I would feel if/when I ever had to go through something as difficult as that.
I feel Transcendence was written for me, and is kind of like my bible I need to follow to have a better life. I have too many regrets and I need to let them go and move on so I can be happy with myself and life in general.

And although I can't relate to the "Poker's Rake Trilogy", the subject matter is extremely emotion and hits pretty hard.
Personally, the songs about Parker (i have a young daughter as well) and the entire TMC album affect me the most. Nick wears his heart on his sleeve and exposes the inner fears and challenges that all can relate to. No songs about vampires here. Instead we get real monsters we all face at some point in life.

Keep up the amazing work Nick. It is greatly appreciated.

"Black and White World" has always touched me deeply. But I agree with roa, the songs about Parker are incredible.

All of Nick's lyrics are so unique, in that there is actually emotions, feelings in there. Its not just nonsensical lyrics that don't really say anything. I think that's what makes Redemption so unique and unlike any other band in the genre. I can never get enough Redemption.

All of Nick's lyrics are so unique, in that there is actually emotions, feelings in there. Its not just nonsensical lyrics that don't really say anything. I think that's what makes Redemption so unique and unlike any other band in the genre. I can never get enough Redemption.

DITTO to the above!!

Redemption is just an incredible band that has touched me lyrically and musically. There are too many instances of these cases for me to jot down. Scarred would probably be my anthem, but Departure of the Pale Horse just touches me knowing what Nick went through. I'm glad I was able to see them in Atlanta and I can't wait for the DVD to come out. I'm buying several copies of it!
A mirror held upon a life
As the minutes turn to hours,
hours blurring into days
Attention to all the things we left undone,
and all the words that we were too afraid to say,
as each passing second slips away...

LET IT RAIN! By far my personal favorite, the lyrics lend themselves to so many different situations, one can take from them what they need,touching moving, calling or preparing for changes... All saturated in that emotional vocal from Ray, put it all together and it's all just another reason why Redemption are ahead of the game! Shout out too for PARKER'S EYES, it being the first song of theirs I heard back when and the song that made me stand up and take notice... Another for the title track ORIGINS OF RUIN... The list is endless!

It really is criminal these guys aren't front page news everywhere by now.
Nick always writes with great emotions, and many of his songs are soul-stirring in many ways, but the following songs are the ones that really touch me personally:

"Memory2 is especially poignant for me. The key line "but I'm scared my dying breath may be your name" is a genuine fear I have. Oh yes, the problems you can get into when you don't marry your true love...

"Fall On You" is brilliant, and with 2 growing children, these are thoughts that regularly come to mind. Somehow the song captures my state of mind perfectly.

"Sapphire" - been there, done that (haven't we all?)

"Scarred" - ditto, always puts me in a foul mood, but sometimes I need that to get some balance.

However... A few years ago I was caught in a downward spiral of debt and responsibility and could see no way out. Trapped in a job I hated, with no way out because I needed the cash to pay the mortgage; trapped in a foreign town where I knew no-one; trapped in a love-less marriage; no hope and the realisation that sooner or later the whole lot would come crashing down around me.

But then I went to see Dream Theater play in Toronto - and this support band blew me away. I bought their album the next day and it changed my life. All the songs spoke to me, but one song really made me re-evaluate myself. The lyrics of "Used To Be" inspired me like no other song before or since... I could feel the man I used to be trapped in a deep dark hole. This song threw him a lifeline and he crawled out into the light. He studied hard and gained good qualifications and pretty soon, I became him again. Rising above the frustrations of a failed life in Canada, I moved back to my home country, got a great job, bought a nice house and reconnected with the friends and family I'd left behind 9 years previously.

I'm not entirely sure what Nick had in mind when he wrote the song, but it totally inspired me to change my life. Without those words, I really don't want to think about where I might otherwise be.

This may be all overly dramatic to some, but I don't care! I've often felt like getting these thoughts off my chest. Sp thanks, Nick, for stirring my soul like no other lyricist and for helping me change my life around.

Right, now I really need to go lighten up
wow, thanks for the insight. i will have to revisit some of the songs you mentioned, particularly Used to Be.

yeah, as i said before, the real world lyrics from Nick are a huge appeal. Not being a full time gig, you get the hopes and fears that many of us experience. as opposed to 'life on the road' and other musings from an artist who has not experienced life, death, and kids to the same degree.

thanks, rick..
ttboo, fully understand. Being in similar circumstance, Redemption's music lighted a path away from my personal despair.

Maybe Nick should become a psychiatrist. Hell, maybe he already is :lol:
Nick always writes with great emotions, and many of his songs are soul-stirring in many ways, but the following songs are the ones that really touch me personally:

"Memory2 is especially poignant for me. The key line "but I'm scared my dying breath may be your name" is a genuine fear I have. Oh yes, the problems you can get into when you don't marry your true love...

"Fall On You" is brilliant, and with 2 growing children, these are thoughts that regularly come to mind. Somehow the song captures my state of mind perfectly.

"Sapphire" - been there, done that (haven't we all?)

"Scarred" - ditto, always puts me in a foul mood, but sometimes I need that to get some balance.

However... A few years ago I was caught in a downward spiral of debt and responsibility and could see no way out. Trapped in a job I hated, with no way out because I needed the cash to pay the mortgage; trapped in a foreign town where I knew no-one; trapped in a love-less marriage; no hope and the realisation that sooner or later the whole lot would come crashing down around me.

But then I went to see Dream Theater play in Toronto - and this support band blew me away. I bought their album the next day and it changed my life. All the songs spoke to me, but one song really made me re-evaluate myself. The lyrics of "Used To Be" inspired me like no other song before or since... I could feel the man I used to be trapped in a deep dark hole. This song threw him a lifeline and he crawled out into the light. He studied hard and gained good qualifications and pretty soon, I became him again. Rising above the frustrations of a failed life in Canada, I moved back to my home country, got a great job, bought a nice house and reconnected with the friends and family I'd left behind 9 years previously.

I'm not entirely sure what Nick had in mind when he wrote the song, but it totally inspired me to change my life. Without those words, I really don't want to think about where I might otherwise be.

This may be all overly dramatic to some, but I don't care! I've often felt like getting these thoughts off my chest. Sp thanks, Nick, for stirring my soul like no other lyricist and for helping me change my life around.

Right, now I really need to go lighten up

Nice read thanks for sharing.

I listed Used To Be in my list of 10faves over in another thread last night, and while for different reasons, the song still appealed to me in much the same way. So count me on board ;)

While certainly in talent too, as far as the songs go, Redemption are for my later years very much what Queensryche were for my younger years. Regardless of theme, social or intimate, Redemption songs encourage, educate, move us, and make us think! And for that I'm grateful.
Used to Be can bring me to tears in certain moods. Without going into great detail, I am a pretty decent human being now but I was a much more altruistic, blameless man in my early 20s.
I (unfortunately) currently only have Snowfall but out of all the songs I think Black and White World and Love Kills Us All/Life In One Day have (especially) amazing lyrics that make me go "holy shit". I was really surprised by how personal they (and the lyrics on the rest of the album) are. Real love, real loss, real struggles, nothing contrived about it. I need more of their music definitely.

What album would you guys recommend I get next?