Lyrics wanted!


Jul 11, 2003
Are there someone who write poems or other things suitable for lyrics? We are a... hmmm... say dark/black/doom/goth/heavy metal band, you may check out how we sound like here: and listen to the newest of the mp3's we have to get a clue. I guess the lyrics mostly have a bit sad and/or melancholic vibe to them. BUT we are not as creative lyric writers as music composers, so we tend to have a bunch of more or less finished songs just lacking lyrics. So once again, if you are in possession of some nice little stories you want others to read, just PM me if you want! But as most ppl know one can't expect to get rich by playing this kinda music, so royalty may be far away...

Sounds good, I could try some stuff out, just PM me a topic you would like me to write about, and I can give you a sample of my writing style?? I like you band's sound.
get drunk, think of your last girlfriend that you're sad about and then mishmash a lot of intelligent sounding words from the thesaurus together. A good starting word is lament.
Which songs in particular are you looking for lyrics to? I have a ton of material that hasn't been used for anything - I'm not interested in royalties or anything - just credit for writing the lyrics if you cut a CD and a free copy...
I've PM'ed both Leper and USMC, but you haven't replied yet. Especially USMC; if you have tons of lyrics, it would be great if you could mail me a sample or two at The newest songs are partly having a Katatonian/Rapturian feel to them I think, so if you've read their lyrics you know what would fit. Not that we need to copy someone though...
Evil_Ed said:
I've PM'ed both Leper and USMC, but you haven't replied yet. Especially USMC; if you have tons of lyrics, it would be great if you could mail me a sample or two at The newest songs are partly having a Katatonian/Rapturian feel to them I think, so if you've read their lyrics you know what would fit. Not that we need to copy someone though...

Sounds good Ed...I haven't received any PM's (just checked) - maybe I need to turn that on? Anyway, the best way to contact me is through email at:

I was mostly refering to the actual songs you are looking to have lyrics written for - if you are interested in just getting a bunch of lyrics and then applying them to stuff you have, I'll forward you some stuff. I was thinking maybe I could listen to a piece you have no lyrics for, and then maybe take something I have and adjust it to fit the verse/chorus structure of what you have...I'll send you some stuff later on today and you can let me know what you think...