M-Audio Firewire 410 or toneport ux2?


Gabriel R.
Nov 25, 2010
Orange County, CA
Should i go for a firewire 410?

I have a toneport ux2, its not bad, not the greatest.

I can buy a firewire 410 for a little over 100$

I can sell my toneportux2 and buy the firewire.

My question is...is the firewire better?

My main goal is mainly to record DI's and mix with nickcrow amps, impulses.

Do you guys think its worth it? For some reason the firewire 410 looks much more professional than my plastic toneport which looks like a toy. What you think?

Or what do you recommend? i feel like i need an upgrade. Something not too expensive please.
Toneport user here. It is mostly designed for Line 6 stuff (Gearbox/Podfarm) (duh, rofl :lol:)

But i'd think you'd be better off with the other one if your goal is to notch it up when recording DI's and such.

I have no professional background, but I also have no problem recording DI's with my UX1.