M-Box MKI worth a sh1t?


He whom thou art not
A buddy wants to sell me one for about $50. I know there are newer versions and there's plenty of other hardware around in that style but most of the other stuff is $200+. What do you think? All I'd be using it for is mic'n my amp at home and maybe... recording some vox. At this point I kinda like the sounds I get going FX loop out into my PC and doing the impulse thing so I'm not sure if I should buy the M-Box.
I'll never use a PC soundcard for recording ever again.

My buddy sold it already so none for me. I have used various SoundBlaster Live cards for the last couple years though not out of choice. I live in an apartment so I can't really mic a cab but next year I'm buying a house and it'll be 'ON' like Voltron on the autobahn with some Disincarnate on.