M.O.D's First Rehearsal Today


Sep 14, 2003
Boston Fuckin Mass
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M.O.D had its' official first rehearsal for the upcoming Jack Koshik festivals today! :hotjump: It was absolutely killer. I'm very proud to be playing alongside Scott, Danny, and Billy- very cool guys and great players. Songs we were jammin on were Assghansistan, Making Friends, Wigga, Rebel you love to Hate, Rally NYC, Aren't you Hungry, A.I.D.S, HateTank and there's even talk of playin some classic S.O.D tunes. Overall, I must say, you guys are in for a REAL treat. The set and show is gonna KILL!!! Hope to see you out on the road! CHEERS, jON- :rock:
Good to hear bro,. cant wait to hear n see thiz madness, i really think u guyz should do the KIZZ spin off, but hey that juzt me.........get ready for the dirtbag squad cuz were cummin 70 men strong
JAARON said:
M.O.D had its' official first rehearsal for the upcoming Jack Koshik festivals today! :hotjump: It was absolutely killer. I'm very proud to be playing alongside Scott, Danny, and Billy- very cool guys and great players. Songs we were jammin on were Assghansistan, Making Friends, Wigga, Rebel you love to Hate, Rally NYC, Aren't you Hungry, A.I.D.S, HateTank and there's even talk of playin some classic S.O.D tunes. Overall, I must say, you guys are in for a REAL treat. The set and show is gonna KILL!!! Hope to see you out on the road! CHEERS, jON- :rock:

So, a good mix of new songs and old time CLASSICS? Sounds great to me. And in another thread I already mentioned that M.O.D. should play (more) S.O.D.-tracks, it's a shame if they would never be played again. So, add a lot of S.O.D. stuff too please, older and newer tunes.

Nice to hear that it all works out great.
This is as close to a "BOX" pic you'll get for free. LOL:loco: :wave:
