Mabye You'll Like This One...

McDonalds fries are delicious, yeah they're unhealthy but any xtreem healthfreak who says they suck taste-wise is a fucking liar.

Pizza Hut is the only takeaway place in the UK that actually cooks their pepperoni. When I order a pepperoni pizza, I want cooked crispy pepperoni, not fucking ham like everywhere else does.

>raised muslim so has never eaten pork

>argument is irrelevant to me
Chick-fil-a FTW.

And Wendy's owns McDonalds and Burger she is a hot red hed with pig tails

The new Wedy's fries are awesome!!
Wendy's has pretty good burgers too, but nothing beats the Triple Whopper :O

Sweet artery-clogging, heart attack-inducing sex on a sandwich.
Kebap aint Gyros. Especially if you mean Döner by saying Kebap.

Yeah I mean Döner Kebab.

In Sydney that's what they used to be called as most were Turkish shops/stands, then the Lebs took over and it was just shortened to kebabs which outside Sydney is meat on a stick.

In Melbourne, rumoured to have the second highest population of Greeks outside Athens, it was alway Yeeros (pronounced Yeeross) and they're identical to Döner Kebabs here.

So what is a Gyro?

So what is a Gyro?



and your mom.
But tbh: "Gyros" is the word for the meat (you can look it up yourself what it takes to prepare that kind of meat) and Döner/Kebap is just a meal.

You will never find Gyros in a Döner though. Because the turkish people doesnt like it when you call it like that. And its the same thing the other way round: Greek people dont want you to order a Döner at their restaurants because it makes them mad.
Because the turkish people doesnt like it when you call it like that. And its the same thing the other way round.

Greeks & Turks don't like each other with their war and all that.

The Lebs here acknowlege the Doner Kebab is Turkish but show off their Lebanese pride claiming it would be nothing without Leb bread, I guess the Greeks differentiate by using Pita bread.

Uh... ok, here is some honest feedback from a fellow filmmaker. I've seen you spam this video on many different boards (as usual) so I will offer my thoughts. And please don't reply with "It's just a hobby" because, while that may be true, you still take your time to create the film... you should have some more respect for yourself and your intended audience to hone your skills in order to make something more technically and creatively superior... I mean you are entering this into a contest after all.

Your exposure is off, even for black and white... looks like the auto settings on the camera are shit or if you actually manually set the aperture/white balance, then you definitely did it wrong. The framing and composition for the most part is quite bad (too much head room in most shots, too much of the same shots, shakey handheld shots, poor zoom, etc), the silent film card technique mixed in with a fast/loud metal song is annoying... some subtitles would have done just fine if you needed some exposition. I think I saw some jump cuts as well but really, the editing in general is choppy, and the "time" is off, no real sequence it is just "cut to man, cut to forest"... then out of no where you have all this exposition to tell the store half way in... films are about SHOW not TELL... why you thought all those words where necessary I don't know.. I guess I'll give you some credit for the use of colour to create emotion/tone but again, it was poorly executed.

Hope this helps you. Making any kind of film is HARD work and it will NEVER turn out good without a lot of planning and dedication. If you want to just shoot whatever then that is fine if you enjoy it, but don't ask others to watch it and give you feedback when you take no steps to improve. I have given you some feedback before and you are still making the same mistakes.

I'm sorry I ignored this earlier. What kind of tips would you give me for editing and general shooting techniques...?
The entire world calls them Gyros, and they are pronounced "yeeros", but your country spells them the way they are sounded to compensate for all the rednecks.

in "the south" we pronounce the G as a "hard G" so it won't sound the same as "Hero" which is a subsandwhich
"hard G" so it won't sound the same as "Hero" which is a subsandwhich

Yeeros isn't pronounced yeer-oes but yeer-oss so you'd have to be a bit deaf to confuse it with heroes and you'd ask for a yeeros, not a yeeros sandwich.

We also don't have hero sandwiches here....but we do have Subway. Same thing?
