Mac or Windows?

At the studio I work at all we use are PowerMac G4's. All decked to the max. Of course we use ProTools|HD3 systems, so that is mostly why...I use to be a Mac hater. Then I started working in the recording industry and I was hooked. After working at the studio all day and then coming home to my PC....I hate it. I bought a G4 laptop, and I love it. It sits right next to my PC, and gets as much use as my PC *use* to get. I just use my PC for little scratch projects and stuff like that now. All my web surfing and bigger recording projects are done on the G4.

I use to run a Vegas system on my PC. Two Delta1010's, running 16 tracks into Vegas, ton's of outboard stuff and a lot of plug-ins. I sold everything but the computer so that I can start over with a G4 and a ProTools HD system. I do use my MBox on my PC...but it's not as great as with my laptop.

One thing that I have learned about Macs is the stability and power. For example, my G4 laptop (1.5 gHz G4 cpu, 500mHz FSB, 768mb RAM) can handle much more elaborate, plug-in wise and file sizes, ProTools sessions than my 3.4gHz P4 w/800mHz FSB, 2gb Ram PC. I have been able to throw a ton of shit at this laptop and it still asks for more, while I've tried it on my PC and it ends up locking up or the programs lock up. But that comes with a price. Macs are very expensive compared to PCs. Usually around 2-5 times more than "performance" PCs, depending on brand, etc. This isn't to say that you HAVE to have a Mac for's just that Macs can handle it better I think. I can't wait to get my own G4. Latah.

James Murphy said:
if you can afford to, do it... once you go Mac you'll never go back!
I don't know sir. I've been a PC user since 1996 and had to work with iMacs as a student back in 2000.

I still can't understand things like:

-No right click button?
-Clicking a file renames it?
-To eject a disc you drag the icon to the trash can?

I suppose it all boils down to what you are used too. :)

But with the results that we can all hear from you James, who am I to speak against Macs? :D

Does Andy work in a Mac enviornment?
hey nitro...yes, andy uses Macs.

now let's roll over your Mac "issues" with a steamroller! :devil:

ok.. this "reason" you give of "not having a right-click button" is one of my all-time pet peeves about people who know nothing about Macs... lol.. they get all upset about it..

ok.. check this out... this is how simple and elegant the solution to this problem is....


yes folks, it's that simple.. lol

then, as if by magic, when you right-click a little menu pops up.. just like on PC's... with the same and/or very similar options. i.e., Copy, Properties (called Get Info on Macs), etc. etc..

the same results, by the way, can be achieved with a standard "one button" Mac mouse.. you just have to hold the Control key while clicking.

next you say, " - Clicking a file renames it?".... um, no. where did you get that? clicking a file's name will allow you to edit that name.... exactly as on a PC. :loco:

and finally, " -To eject a disc you drag the icon to the trash can?"... well, when you drag a disc on the desktop of a Mac the "trash can" icon turns into an "eject" icon.. so to answer your question: No, you drag the disc to the Eject icon. Or, you could just right-click the disc's icon (or Control+Click for those with standard Mac mouses) and choose "Eject" from the pop-up menu... one again, exactlyl as on a PC.

one last note... being "used to" your PC will not make it better/ faster/ more elegant or more powerful than my Mac... :devil:\m/

thanks for all the nice comments though nitro, i appreciate it... no go forth and get yourself a Mac!!
iMacs suck in my opinion. PowerMac's or nothing. Mac OS has come along way from OS9 too. I really like OSX.

I used to be a hardcore PC Fan until I started getting into Audio, now i'll never turn back.

No right click button, but a two button mouse then, or you can control-click.

Clicking a file to rename? I don't see how thats a bad thing. Just don't click the file name if you don't want to rename click the icon.

To eject a cd you can also click the icon and press Apple-E, or the button top right of the keyboard.

Andy Uses Macs.
by the way... iMacs are a lower, "consumer" line of Macs.. you want at least a PowerMac. and 2000 was 4 years ago... c'mon, this is computers we're talking about. 4 years ago is ancient history.
I've been a PC user since '94 and haven't had any problems with them. Right now I have a 2ghz, I gig ram pc running Window XP that I built. No crashes, no lock ups, nothing. I opimized it so that XP wouldn't hog up all that PC usage by doing unnesseary actions. And I keep it pretty clean of needless programs, start ups, all that stuff that also hogs up power. For doing audio I can be running Guitar Rig, Amplitube, a various plug-ins and still give it an air tight. I haven't worked with audio on Mac's so I can't give any experience there. To me both PC and Macs are pretty equal, it just depends on how much you mess with it to have it run good, kind of like a car. If you take care of it, it takes care of you. :headbang:

P.S. Also forgot to mention I can do all the recording and watch porn on it at the same time too.
johnzorn said:
Also forgot to mention I can do all the recording and watch porn on it at the same time too.

That's it, I'm selling my mac!

Hehe darn, I don't even have one. Well at least now I know using a pc isn't all that bad.
Sorry but do we really need to have the Mac vs. PC discussion again? :)

I think everyone pretty much agrees. If you want the best power and stability, and you use youre computer for a few main things, go for the Mac if you can afford it. If you need regular computing interchangabillity and the convienience of all the third party PC manufacturers, go for the PC.

Hammer Bart said:
That's it, I'm selling my mac! Hehe darn, I don't even have one. Well at least now I know using a pc isn't all that bad.

careful there bart.... don't let Zornie lead you astray.. i have used both Macs and PCs for years... Macs are the way to go. as i type this im on my PC. to get this PC to work as nicely with big audio projects and serious DAW software i would have to tweak XP to the hilt as he did.. my G4 worked brilliantly right out of the box. this is just one of many aspects.

no offense Zorn, but every person i run into who steadfastly stands by their PC for audio ALWAYS turns out to be someone who's either never really used Macs or only used some iMacs or other seriously underpowered or old consumer level Mac.

conversely, every single PC person i know who has tried out a serious Mac for audio has changed over to the Mac platform and never looked back... and i hear this story time and time again from all my Mac friends who know "PC guys" who made the switch"

hey Colin, how ya doing? hey, what's "regular computing interchangabillity" ?
The one time I went to guitar center to watch a demo of the Protools HD system, their powermac kept crashing every few minutes...

Anyways, I would have to agree in that it basically boils down to what you're comfortable with. Back in the day, just about all the recording software was made for only Macs....but in today's day and age, everything is available for both platforms and works just as smoothly if you know what you're doing.
daemon097 said:
The one time I went to guitar center to watch a demo of the Protools HD system, their powermac kept crashing every few minutes... Anyways, I would have to agree in that it basically boils down to what you're comfortable with. Back in the day, just about all the recording software was made for only Macs....but in today's day and age, everything is available for both platforms and works just as smoothly if you know what you're doing.

LOL.... remember this... that computer was set up and operated by Guitar Center employees... enough said. sorry Daemon, i know what i'm doing and i have both... Mac, my friend.. Mac. yeah.. everything can run on PC's now too... and you can build one up more than enough power... but it's really a matter of how elegantly you want to get from point A to point B.

your post brings me back to my previous post.... i sense yet another entrenched PC user who has never done any serious work for any length of time on an up-to-date PowerMac.

i'll say no more on the issue though.... andy has chimed in for Mac.. i have.. and most every pro who's currently engineering that i know chooses mac. ignore this powerful fact if you choose to, but we don't do so because we somehow don't know about PC's... we have PC's. Do you have a Mac?

James Murphy said:
careful there bart.... don't let Zornie lead you astray..

He called me Zornie. Sweet tits.

And the only Mac's I've every played on have been IBooks, and I know those arn't even close to having the power to multi task audio recording. I might someday try out a Mac and see if I can get comfortable with it, but for now all I got is my PC.
James Murphy said:
work for apple?... hmmmmm... would i get all the free Macs i could carry? i'm in!!
OK James and everyone!
Enough for me! I must say that my PC is working nice with PTools, but a few months ago it was a real nightmare!!! After a bunch of tweaks is pretty stable now.
One of this days I'll have a bloody Mac!!!

P.S. You're lucky! Sabbat vinyl huh?!? I think that I don't play my copy of "History..." for about 15 years or something.
"Hell book and candle!..." :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: