Mac or Windows?

Hey Andy, I drive an Isuzu Trooper - and it's slow as hell. I shoulda known that you'd stickup for your native craftsmanship...
I smell resentment. Come on, the constant rain up there has to be good for something... like the agriculture. You can at least sell off another harvest from the farm whilst the metal acts are finding creative new ways of re-releasing the same album :p
I actually wrote my first Jag off, backwards into a lamp post a couple of years ago, bit too fast that one. I thought Jags were part of the Ford company now, part of US world domination, at least the air cons better now. Hows that Ozone layer doin down there Moonlapse??
daemon097 said:
I was almost impressed with Apple when they said their new operating system was going to be based on a unix variant. Unfortunately, it's a "dumbed down" version of Unix. Same sort of environment..they give you some things that are similar, and many things that aren't.

Why unfortunately? It's based on one of the best UNIX platforms ever built - the Berkeley Software Design (BSD) but it was specifically based off of FreeBSD - the most user-friendly BSD flavour. They give you all things that are under POSIX, SVr4, SVID, 4.4BSD, X/OPEN standards. They do, however, have their own stuff in it for the benefit of their system. So, I still see no reason on why this is unfortunate.
morningstar said:
Why unfortunately? It's based on one of the best UNIX platforms ever built - the Berkeley Software Design (BSD) but it was specifically based off of FreeBSD - the most user-friendly BSD flavour. They give you all things that are under POSIX, SVr4, SVID, 4.4BSD, X/OPEN standards. They do, however, have their own stuff in it for the benefit of their system. So, I still see no reason on why this is unfortunate.

well said morningstar, well said. and that pretty much wraps up that issue in a nice little bundle and shoves it right down.... ah, but i digress.

all you PC pundits who visit this forum.. go ahead, custom build yourself a PC that "matches" my Mac's specs and feel awesome about how much money you "saved" compared to what i spent. rock on....

but my "overpriced" Mac will outperform that PC with "matching specs" all day long in every category you care to examine: i'll beat your track counts, your plug-in counts, your Virtual Instrument counts and your speed in getting anything done.. every time. :devil:
Moonlapse said:
... apart from gaming :D

sorry man... you're not entirely correct there.. i just didn't go into those details seeing as how this is the forum of a music producer and not Ubisoft's fan forum.

not to say you're entirely wrong... it's just not a right/wrong issue.. at least it's much less of one than when discussing audio.

bottom line, if you optimize your PC for gaming then you have to realize that you'll need to do so on a Mac as well.. upgrade the graphics card, etc.

or do what i do on the rare ocassion that i can be bothered to stop working on a mix or playing guitar to actually piss away a couple hours on a video game.... get and play on an Xbox. or PS2, or whatever platform you prefer. i just happen to have Xbox, mainly i thought it rendered much nicer on my screen than PS2 and because i love Halo. (i know that most PC users these days use them for games as well... yet another reason i will get more work done faster than them!!.. LOL!)

in fact i just finished playing Halo 2 a little while back.. i got the limited edition "metal" version with a bonus dvd of the making of the game. i watched that "making of" dvd and was amused to notice that quite a few of the computers the Halo devlopers over there at Microsoft were using to create the game were PowerMac G4's.

yes! :kickass:
well, first of all, a lot of the unix command don't even function the way they're supposed to. The last one I remember was trying to plumb an interface...doesn't work. (the man page says it can do it...yet it won't allow it.)

...and in my past experiences, there's been tons of little stuff like that all over the place..which is enough to frusterate any experienced unix myself.
yeah.. but as you were quick to point out a bit back here on this thread, it's not regular Unix.

specifically it's a variant based on FreeBSD and it likely has some different commands. bottom line, there is a learning curve to it.... much like anything else that's worthwhile.
HAHAHA.. damn JM... Brand X AND Mahavishnu today?!?!? Throw on a little "Casino" or "Elegant Gypsy" and you'll be landing the 70's fusion trifecta! ;P

Gotta love it.

On the PC vs. Mac debate. Personally, I have no opinion as I have never used a Mac... in fact the only Apple computer I ever used was an Apple 2e back in ummm... 5th grade, I think. 4 Color Graphics.. CGA... it was the shizz-NOT. :)

Anyway... while I may not have an opinion, this particular topic has reared it's head over on the homerecording yahoo group, no doubt raised by either a reader or an alumn of this very forum. Anyway, so there is a dude on the list who makes his living configuring and selling PC's and Mac's to do audio. Here is his response. Again, I am not confirming, denying or espousing anything the dude says... just wanted to throw it out there. Anyway, here was his response:

The only real difference between Mac's and PC's has nothing to do with price
or performance. It has to do with stability and the OS. Apple designs the
Operating System and the hardware it runs on. The OS is very tightly
integrated into the hardware, and for this reason you get more stability
than it's PC counterpart. Microsoft makes an OS that, to it's credit, runs
on a multitude of hardware architectures, and does this fairly well, but MS
cannot possibly cope with the sheer number of variables this produces. This
is the only difference. For the performance you receive Apple Computers are
not over-priced at all. You just have less options and choices than in the
PC world, and no competition. But you do have a very stable platform.

Seems fairly straightforward to me. Doesn't seem to contradict much of what the Mac users have said, nor does it contradict the PC advocates. There are clearly plusses and minuses for both systems. Seems as though the plusses are on the side of the Mac when it comes strictly to audio... and I think that's what the thread was about in the first place.

Carry on...


Very nice. We've got a lovely cupie doll and a year supply of rice-a-roni (It's the San Fransisco treat, you know) for you. :)

Shred on, bro!

LOL. Wow, Andy.. you must have gotten hosed pretty hard in a PC environment to have such a bad taste in your mouth with regards to PC's. Personally, I think computers in general are a giant pain in the tookus... but a necessary evil. Sitting in front of the damn thing here at work for 9-10 hours a day doesn't help my opinion much either.

Oh well... if it helps, I'm sure they have an Apple 2e emulator that can run on like a Little Professor calculator or something at this point. It slices, it dices... it adds two plus two AND it plays the world's most advanced 4 color games where everything looks to be build out of Legos! Watch out, Doom 3 and Half-Life 2... it's Robot Rascals in glorious 2-D! ;P

never had a PC that frickin works thats why!! I had to buy Virtual PC for my mac the otherday to run the CD Printer and I feel like I've done something really bad, it's like I've given my mac herpes, it'll never be the same again. I'm sorry mac.......