Bass Behemoth
After a recent re-mastering session where my laptop was unable to function for longer than 30mins without a re-start (it's a P4 2.8ghz!!) I am just waiting to get my hands on a dual g4 (hell, maybe even a reconditioned g5).
James Murphy said:here's what i have in my dual processor G4:
Now that is sheer sexyness.Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:I have a pc and a no name accoustic guarded by STICK INSECTS WITH RAZOR SHARP TEETH THAT ARE ADDICTED TO CRACK!
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:If you set a PC up nicely you can do nice things with it.MAC's work better out of the box. There ya go. *waits to get shot*
Thou art geigh. j/kMulder said:Damn thou, it wasn't.
it's out back eatin' a ham sammich. c'mon, Opteron is no more the "holy grail" than G5 is... these are computers after all, and computers are not perfect. all computers irritate me at some point but they are necessary to get the job done. Macs just irritate me less during the course of getting said job done. within the context of the necessity of computers these days, i do really like my Macs.Mulder said:I can dream about AMD buying Apple so OSX runs on Opterons. I do like OSX, but don't trust it under Apple's (meager) care after too many faults (which were admitted, "buy a G5 and your trouble is over"). Damn dearest friend, don't you see? That's plain wrong! Where's thou liberal heart?
c'mon...Apple, like any other company trying to stay afloat these days, has to address quite a few commercial concerns. doesn't make it any less viable of a platform for professional audio production. that argument reeks of the same type of eliticism you earlier accused Mac users of displaying. for shame, for shame.Mulder said:Apple is way too much 'lifestyle'. I want engineers designing my machine, not the other way around.
exactly... your Mac didn't. mine does, and from what he has already posted on this thread Andy's does as well, and so do the Macs of many other folks i know. as for "other people" you reference as having had similar trouble as you, well that's just dandy... they can meet up with all the people i know that switched to Macs after years of PC use because they had similar issues with the PC/XP platform as i had and they can compare "history" books. cry me a river.Mulder said:This PCfamily overhere runs like a plant. Point. My Mac didn't. Other people (read the LUG) had similar trouble. All known as "history".
there's another one of my pet peeves that the "PC Warriors" out there love to indulge in... the assumption that all Mac users are so in love with their computers that no valuable, negative feedback ever arises from the user base and leads to any positive change in Apple's computers. read any issues of MacWorld lately? been on any Mac user forums? when something goes wrong in the Mac universe we users do not sit idely by and smile about it. to insinuate otherwise begs the question; did you put the blinders on voluntarily, or were you tricked into it?Mulder said:I put more trust in a company that is closely followed by critics than one that is closely followed. Intelnerds raise hell when Gates/Intel fucks up, and I like that a lot.
what a co-inky-dink, i used them. now can we just agree to disagree and let this thread die???Mulder said:(Dickswing: I sold/operated Logic-TDMsystems for a couple of pre-MP3years.)
there's another one of my pet peeves that the "PC Warriors" out there love to indulge in... the assumption that all Mac users are so in love with their computers that no valuable, negative feedback ever arises from the user base and leads to any positive change in Apple's computers. read any issues of MacWorld lately? been on any Mac user forums? when something goes wrong in the Mac universe we users do not sit idely by and smile about it. to insinuate otherwise begs the question; did you put the blinders on voluntarily, or were you tricked into it?
Mulder said:Ofcourse making music on a Mac can be done, but there's a risk that is (far) greater than the loyal followers will/can admit (or inform you about). And it seems we both made that point here for the guy starting this thread. Supporting a brand goes hand in hand with strange egorelated stuff, everybody has to find out for themselves which needs they have. If your needs are only focused on recording music, a well-configured PC will do just fine. Put it together yourself and save serious $$.