Mac or Windows?

Eegads... you gave your Mac HERPES! Dude... just pray it's not syphillis. Now THAT would give you a Fire Wire.

"Ouchy doc... it burns when I pee... and when I print stuff out on my Mac" ;P

Good luck with the virtual herpes, bro. Hopefully you can get what you need to done and nuke that beotch off your mac with little to no harm done.

I'd just like to say for the record that I agree with everything that James, Andy, and SliderJeff have had to say.

I don't own a PC, they suck for making music, and for everything else I do. They can make great game machines and that's about it. I'm a professional web designer and I have a LOT of experience with the Windows platform over the course of the last 12 years, and I absolutely hate it, passionately.
Macs owns. :kickass: Period.

I would like to have a hall full of Macs under my property, but unfortunately I can't make money grow in my garden... :Smokin: Maybe someday?

I personally think that it all comes down to what you produce, no matter on what platform. A dunce in front of a Mac don't mean great music.
daemon097 said:
well, first of all, a lot of the unix command don't even function the way they're supposed to. The last one I remember was trying to plumb an interface...doesn't work. (the man page says it can do it...yet it won't allow it.)

...and in my past experiences, there's been tons of little stuff like that all over the place..which is enough to frusterate any experienced unix myself.

I doubt that, you probably missed a part of it. Sometimes it's not just about reading the man page, sometimes is useful and necessary to read the man pages that appear under the topic "See also". As James put it very well, there's a fine learning curve to UNIX that most people who are thrown at windows disregard, because it's all so... easy, it's about getting the games and the chat programs/browsers to work, the rest comes almost transparently. I can tell that I've been a UNIX/Linux user for longer than windows and I kinda like both, but for different purposes.

If I want to browse pages, chat, watch videos and do regular stuff, I choose a PC with windows.

If I want to record something and work at the recording industry, the MAC is without a doubt, my choice.

If I want to develop a program or do network related stuff, I choose UNIX regardless of the architecture where it will run upon, cause that will be transparently.

It's about choosing the adequate tools to adequatedly solve the problem. ;)

Andy Sneap said:
It comes bundled with free worm virus

That wasn't probably the brightest argument to diss on PCs, being that the very first worm virus ever created and spread on the net, the morris worm in 1988, attacked the platform your MACs run nowadays, the first versions of the UNIX flavours - BSDi and SunOS. :D
Kazrog said:
I'm a professional web designer and I have a LOT of experience with the Windows platform over the course of the last 12 years
You also 'created' the Megadeth font, played a part in designing the Megadeth website in the past,and your father is a member of the Doobie Brothers. Shit, you are ultra-cool.

You forgot to mention all that as well. :Smug:
You Mac-maniacs really sparked my interest, so I surfed off to store to see for myself a little. It seems the hardware Apple offers optionally for personalizing your G5 is quite overpriced... I mean, 100$ for upgrade from 80GB to 160GB SATA HDD? Gimme a break... For upgrade to 2GB (4x512) RAM they ask 525$ (?!?). I suppose installing a component by yourself would void the warranty, so... :(
Does anyone know what brands they install if they're so expensive, Corsair maybe?
jesus tap-dancin' christ Sickboy.. haven't you been reading this thread???

first of all.. yes, you can quite easily put in your own drives/memory/pci cards, etc.... and NO, it does NOT void the warranty.

the drives Apple puts in are made by Seagate, the memory by Samsung, and the video cards by Radeon

gimme a break.. can't you see from reading this thread how utterly PCs have LOST THIS ARGUMENT.. mwuhahahaha!!! :devil:

good griefl try getting Dodge to put a bed-liner in a new Ram Truck for ya.. it will cost lots more than if you do it yourself... and look how much Best Buy charges to install extra hard drives... ridiculous! it's a business thng, not a Mac thing. get over it.

by the way, Macs are exremely easy to self-upgrade.. just pop the panel and slap your memory/drive/pci card right in the amazingly easy-to-access slots!! all with Apple's blessing and Warranty intact!!!
James Murphy said:
jesus tap-dancin' christ Sickboy.. haven't you been reading this thread???

I have, thank you very much... :p

first of all.. yes, you can quite easily put in your own drives/memory/pci cards, etc.... and NO, it does NOT void the warranty.

Whoo-hoo! That's cool...
I didn't find that sort of info, that's why I posted here.

video cards by Radeon

And nVidia from what I see.
Very curious, no Matrox... From what I gather, they're among the most respected when display quality itself is concerned...

gimme a break.. can't you see from reading this thread how utterly PCs have LOST THIS ARGUMENT.. mwuhahahaha!!! :devil:

And just from where did you conclude I'm biased towards PC's? :err:
From all you guys wrote Mac definitely seems a better option for audio, it's just that I won't be able to get one very soon...

by the way, Macs are exremely easy to self-upgrade.. just pop the panel and slap your memory/drive/pci card right in the amazingly easy-to-access slots!! all with Apple's blessing and Warranty intact!!!

It's great that installing a new piece of hardware by yourself doesn't void the warranty and since I've installed probably million various cards in various PC's, I suppose the same thing in Macs would be a breeze...

Chill out James, I'm not against Macs! :wave:

p.s. really try to do a rep thing for Apple part-time, you've been pretty convincing so far. ;)
SickBoy said:
And nVidia from what I see.
Very curious, no Matrox... From what I gather, they're among the most respected when display quality itself is concerned...
feh! matrox schmatrox... i'm sure they'll work fine though.. Apple just doesn't choose to offer them. i'd bet my arse that you could buy one and throw it in there though and it would work, np.

here's what i have in my dual processor G4:

2 gigabytes RAM
2 Seagate 120 GB ATA-100 drives
2 Maxtor 160 GB ATA-133 drives
Radeon graphics card.. (not sure which one but i'm upgrading soon)
PCI SCSI card to run a scsi yamaha cd burner
MOTU PCI-424 card
Sonnet Tempo Trio ata host adapter card w/ extra firewire 400 ports and usb 2.0 ports
UAD-i PCI card

the computer came standard with multiple firewire 400 ports and one firewire 800 port and Apple's Supderdrive which is a DVD-R/CD-RW manufactured for apple by Pioneer.
James, so say that again you have 5 Caparison guitars, a Framus Cobra stack and all these computer stuff? What is your address? :D
commandante said:
James, so say that again you have 5 Caparison guitars, a Framus Cobra stack and all these computer stuff? What is your address? :D

did i mention i have 4 trained German Shepard attack dogs? :lol:
You forgot to mention that they haven't eaten in 4 days as well... and that they have infra-red vision and hindquarter-mounted missile launchers all of which are controlled by a single Mac running OS X.3, so BRING IT ON, COMMANDANTE! :)

Ducking and covering and changing out of his Milkbone brand underwear,
My PC went dead a few months ago. I tried to format it, but it just won't let me. Don't ask me why.

Right now I'm terribly comfortable with my iBook G4. It never crashes down, I don't have to build up a fucking stronghold with 10,000 firewalls, anti-virus and anti-spyware programs, and quite frankly, in general I find it much more smartly organized than Windows. I love it, no turning back.