Mac Os X Yosemite


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France

Just a little thread about the new Os. Is it me or is it insanely slow to download this year ?

I'm relatively excited this time. I know most of people aren't that attracted, but I think this handoff, and sms/call things using transparently your phone, as well as iCloud drive (finally a personal dropbox integrated in mac os and iOS) will make my life even simpler because I rely so much in the use of pdf or work/training files and have a 4G plan that covers me pretty much all over europe. I'm hoping it will also solve that odd bug I have been having which is that my wifi connection sometimes freezes and I need to reboot the laptop.
Yosemite? HA. I"m still on Snow Leopard. Pro Tools 10 has been super stable on it for me for a while. Not touching it until I need to!
I've had it since the early developer previews - I quite like it, the new UI is cool. Haven't had a chance to test Handoff because my iPhone isn't on iOS 8 cos no jailbreak yet but that should be also be pretty sweet.

The new screen maximise function is going to piss everyone off though, calling that already.
I've been using the beta since day one and everything has been smooth so far. I use Logic Pro X and I only had some issues with VCC crashing once in a blue moon but a clean install of that plugin fixed my problem.

It's mostly a visual upgrade IMO and it doesn't look half as good on my non-retina MBP 15" compared to my friends' MBP Retina. The main OS typeface looks way too fuzzy on a low res display.

Not sure how smooth Pro Tools and Cubase run but I didn't notice any major impact on Logic upgrading from Mavericks.
After a few hours it started downloading fast again and I got it installed. Super smooth, not a single hiccup so far. I love the UI, it's probably the best feeling I've had in a very long time when updating OS. The safari iCloud synchronizing with my phone and mac is super smooth. I don't agree with the fact it's only an UI upgrade, there is so much useful stuff happening. iCloud drive being a big one. I knew where the iCloud folder was before (it was just hidden) but I'll with to iCloud for more things now as opposed to dropbox. I can't wait for the photo app on mac, because that's the last stone missing for a full and practical sync of everything between devices. I like how fast safari is now, i already switched to safari with the last one, but this is another improvement yet again.

On a sidenote, The new OS typeface is designed for retina display. There is a very interesting TED talk about fonts designers and why/how they are the way they are. I'm not surprised it's not as good on non retina displays, as they are due to disappear.

About the screen zoom button (the green one)... I absolutely don't care. I have never used it. I installed "BetterTouchTool" and use it only for Windows 7-like behavior of windows. I have never understood why mac people prefered a window to maximize only to its content size. It's visually distracting to see other windows behind your current work, so I have always been used to drag the window to an edge or a corner to change its size with this tool to copy the windows behaviour. From a workflow perspective, it's way faster anyway. If I want to see two screens at the same time, i drag both of them to each side just like in W7 and all it takes half a second.

EDIT : apparently, for those wondering and using it, using the alt/OPT button changes the fullscreen to the old maximize button when hovering it
Upgraded on 2012 Mac Mini, a couple of apps had to be updated, but all of my plugins seem to work no problem.

Nothing's really changed on my end - all I'm seeing is just cosmetic UI changes.
About cosmetic things : found a cool one; if you create multiple spaces (desktops) and have set up your wallpaper to be randomized, every space will have a different wallpaper. Stupid but I thought about this years ago already. I might use multiple desktop more if I can find a way to customize each one. And hide the porn one all the way to the right :lol:
Everything works fine on my end, but I'm using very few plugins and Apple stuff (Apogee/Logic), so it's kinda expected. UI is whatever; I changed the Appearance to graphite to kill some of the colors that pop a bit too much for my tastes due to the flat design. Also nice to note that res hacks still work in this version for retina displays. Didn't lose my 2880x1800 res by upgrading to this, thank fuck.
I installed "BetterTouchTool" and use it only for Windows 7-like behavior of windows.

It was the only feature I was missing from windows.Thanks for the tip.
reading irrelevant topics on forums isn't that useless afterall.


I hate this iOS7/8 dock look.I'll stay with 10.8
I really fucking hate the new UI. Had to test all of our stuff on it during the dev previews. It's bloody awful. Visual aids is the only metaphor that works.
Just for info, the waves WLC authorization app is not yet supported on Yosemite. It will soon, they propose a workaround for having it work right now :

As stated in our website: OSX 10.10 Yosemite is not officially supported yet.
"Official Waves OSX 10.10 Yosemite support is planned very soon. We suggest Waves users hold off on updating at this time.
Keep an eye on and the Waves Newsletter for updates"
As a workaround, please go to System HD>Applications>Waves>Applications and drag the WLC file while holding the Command button to your desktop (physically moving the file).
After that, please launch the Waves Licenses Center from your desktop and let the synchronization process end. Once done, please move the WLC to its original location.

EDIT : also, so far, everything else works on my system, I had to punch in a few activations codes myself (2c breeze reverb for example) but all of those worked immediately :

- Reaper
- Waves (the authorization app is not working officially but the plugins if up to date should work normally because the licensing seems to be working anyway)
- Stillwell plugins
- 2c audio Breeze
- Equality
- Joey Sturgis Gain Reduction
- Lepou plugins (amp modelers)
- Ozone 5
- Tube Saturator
- Valhalla vintageevrb
- EZdrummer/S2.0
- Kontakt
- Omnisphere
- Amplesound virtual guitars (AGx line)
- Recabinet

Haven't tried the slate ones as i don't have my ilok on me ATM
Just bought myself a new Macbook Pro that's came preinstalled with this. Tried to roll back to mountain lion for pro tools 10/11 co-install and it said I couldn't, though when I restarted it appears that I've somehow rolled back to Mavericks?!

Not sure whether to try and move back to ML from here or just stick with it and move onto PT11.
Why are people complaining about the UI? It's just flat and has a different font. It's not like they changed it comic sans or something. Everything seems stable on my computer so far.